Timeline for Opening a Martial Arts School: A Comprehensive Guide

Opening a martial arts school is an exciting venture, but it requires meticulous planning and preparation. Here is a detailed timeline to guide you through the process, ensuring a smooth and successful opening.

180 Days Out

Begin to Develop Your Business Plan

  • Visit resources like Martial Arts School Business Plans to find information and examples. Work on this daily and refer to it often.

Choose a School Name

  • Select a name that is short, memorable, and easy to understand. Avoid using your style in the name; consider using your city or region.

Important Considerations in Choosing a Name

  1. Avoid using your name if you plan to sell the school.
  2. Avoid using your city if you plan to expand to multiple locations.

Secure The Domain Name For Your School

Forget About the Yellow Pages

  • Utilize the free listing, but focus resources on developing a strong website.

170 Days Out

Choose an Accountant and Attorney/Solicitor

  • Ensure they specialize in small business owners.

Choose Your Business Structure

  • Decide on Sole Proprietor, Partnership, S or C Corp, or LLC. Ensure articles of incorporation include a hold harmless clause.

File for Tax IDs

  • Have your attorney file for your Federal Employment Tax ID and your accountant apply for State Tax IDs.

Apply for Business Credit Cards

  • Use them strictly for business to build credit and reward points.

Open a General Bank Account

  • Use this account for rent, utilities, and clearing credit card statements.

Obtain a Merchant Account

  • Set up a system to take credit card payments for early enrollments and online sales.

Open a PayPal Account

  • Convenient for quick online transactions.

160 Days Out

Complete Your Business Plan

  • Finalize business structure, name, and location.

Create a Marketing Plan

  • Emphasize Low Risk Marketing strategies that cost little or nothing.

Begin to Develop Your Curriculum and Belt Ranks

  • Work on this element well in advance of opening.

Hire a Logo Artist

  • Professional logos are crucial; consider using platforms like 99Designs.

150 Days Out

Start Location Shopping

  • Use a Location Evaluator to choose a good location.

120 Days Out

Prepare Emergency Financing

  • Ensure your credit is clean and request credit line increases if necessary.

Shop for a Good Sign Maker

  • Start the creation process early.

90 Days Out

Sign Lease

  • Ensure your attorney reviews every step of the process.

Begin Build-Out

  • Negotiate build-out strategies and review school layout examples.

Order Telephone and Utilities

  • Forward calls to your home or cell until opening.

Order Business Cards and Stationary

  • Use your MATA Office Depot Purchasing Card for discounts.

Order and Mount Your Sign

  • Display banners and window art to keep the community updated.

Obtain Permits and Licenses

  • Ensure you meet all local business operation requirements.

60 Days Out

Write Your Sound Bites

  • Develop compelling 30-second answers to questions about your school.

Join Chamber of Commerce

  • Utilize this free method to network with community leaders.

Get Professional Liability Insurance

  • SFIC is recommended for martial arts schools.

45 Days Out

Finalize Belt Requirements

  • Ensure exam programs are realistic and manageable.

Create The First Class Schedule

  • Avoid scheduling too many classes initially.

Create a Media List

  • List local editors, TV, and radio producers with their contact information.

Create a Demo/Speech Target List

  • Research potential organizations interested in martial arts demonstrations.

30 Days Out

Order Logo Items

  • Patches, T-shirts, and sweatshirts take time to create.

Start Researching Office Equipment

  • Find the best deals on computers, desks, copiers, and phones.

Review Your Marketing Plan

  • Focus on getting one qualified lead per day and memorizing benefit descriptions.

Get Credit Cards with Reward Programs

  • Use one card for all merchandise purchases and pay it off monthly.

Establish a Wholesale Account

  • Set up accounts for student uniforms and training equipment.

20 Days Out

Write First Media Release

  • Announce your school, offerings, opening date, and contact information.

Write Sales Presentation Materials

  • Prepare tuition sheets, program descriptions, and school brochures.

Create a List of Maintenance Processes

  • List daily, weekly, and monthly tasks unrelated to marketing and retention.

10 Days Out

Mail First Media Release

7 Days Out

Call Media to Follow Up

Call Prospects

  • Start scheduling appointments for intros.

Make Yourself Visible in Uniform

1-3 Days Out

Practice and Role-Play

  • Role-play phone calls, intros, tours, and enrollment conferences.

Opening Day


  • You are well-prepared and ready to succeed.

This timeline ensures that all aspects of opening a martial arts school are covered, from initial planning to the grand opening. By following this guide, you can establish a successful martial arts school that is well-prepared to attract and retain students.