While many studio owners bemoan the slow, hot summer months, other studio owners confess that the summer months are often their most profitable months out of the year.

All it takes to be successful all year-round is a little resourcefulness and ingenuity.  Think weekend retreats, sleepovers, special weapons training, and… summer camps.

Provided that you plan and organize every detail in advance, pulling off a successful summer camp will be a breeze.  In order to keep things interesting, however, the approach you take to your summer camp must be a different approach to the one that you take when you’re teaching classes in your studio.

Many studio owners have had success holding their summer camps in the latter part of the summer, say about mid-August – depending upon when school starts in your community.  The theory being that summer activities have begun to wind down, leaving kids little to occupy their time until the school year begins.

Other studio owners operate one summer camp per month throughout the summer months – June, July, and August – grossing as much as $15,000 over the summer.

Classes are generally four hours long and held in the afternoons, when the studio is the least congested.  Break your class down into 15-minute increments.  

You’ll want to account for every minute of your class, including breaks.  This will make it easy for you to keep your classes organized and running smoothly, as well as help to keep them interesting for your students.

Your classes can include activities such as fitness kickboxing, games, problem-solving activities, character building exercises, and martial arts.

When it comes to promoting your summer camp, a majority of your students will have come from your own studio.  However, you can encourage your current students to invite their friends to attend your camp.  

Give your students brochures to hand out to people they feel may be interested.  You might even consider offering some sort of an incentive program for the student that brings in the most new faces.

And, because moms play an important role in planning summer activities, you’ll want to make sure that you pass around flyers, and leave brochures at places that moms frequent – the grocery store, beauty parlors, childcare centers, etc.

A strategic part of your planning will be to determine how many people you will have participating in your camp well in advance.  This will allow you to have plenty of snacks, special camp T-shirts, awards, and other supplies on hand. 

It is recommended that you have your participants pay in advance, and at the same time have them sign a waiver, a medical release, and supply you with a list of emergency contact numbers.

Make this a special time for the participants.  You’ll want them to have fun, but you’ll need to establish your rules up front.  

For instance, you may want to establish a no talking or running rule while you’re teaching.  Lay the rules out ahead of time, so your kids will know what to expect from you.

To make the most out of your summer camp, and to make sure that your kids are staying busy and having fun, stick with your schedule.  Be sure to include plenty of breaks for snacks and beverages.

Regardless of how many weeks you decide to hold a summer camp, make the last day one to remember.  

Your summer camp is designed not only to increase your revenue during the summer months, but hopefully, to encourage some new people to sign on as full-time students at your studio in the fall. 

On the last day, invite parents, and arrange a tournament to showcase what your students have learned during their camp.  Present each one with a certificate of completion, and an award to take home.