When you bump into someone and they ask how you are, do you say, “Okay” or “I’m fine,” with no inflection in your voice? If this is your usual response, you might be a “whiner.”

Identifying Whiners

  • Lackluster Responses: Whiners often respond with a lack of enthusiasm, using phrases like “Okay” or “I’m fine,” without any energy.
  • Negative Self-Talk: Whiners say things like, “I’m too fat, stupid, short, inexperienced, afraid, disorganized, weak, etc., to do something.” They believe they have handicaps that prevent them from accomplishing their goals.

Embracing the Winner’s Attitude

Or do you say, “Great,” “Super,” “Marvelous!” with inflection in your voice that reinforces what you are saying? These are the words, actions, and tones of “winners.”

  • Positive Responses: Winners use enthusiastic and positive words when responding to others, showing confidence and energy.
  • Belief in Self: Winners never believe they have any kind of handicap that will keep them from accomplishments. They see challenges as opportunities to grow and succeed.

The Black Belt Attitude

With the Black Belt Attitude, you use positive words that build your mental fitness and public image. This attitude is about more than just words; it’s about adopting a mindset that sees potential in every situation and radiates confidence and positivity.


The way you respond to a simple question like “How are you?” can set the tone for your interactions and reflect your inner mindset. Choose to be a winner by using positive, enthusiastic responses and embracing the Black Belt Attitude. This shift will not only improve your mental fitness but also enhance how others perceive you.