Do You Need Extra Insurance for Your Summer Camp?

Understanding the Need for Extra Coverage

John Graden: Summertime is coming, and many martial arts schools plan to host summer camps. These camps offer a great opportunity for both current students and newcomers to enjoy martial arts training and various activities. However, with these benefits come additional liabilities. Jennifer, what do schools need to understand about the potential liabilities of their summer camps? What kind of insurance do they need?

Jennifer Urmston: Thanks, John. It's crucial for schools to inform their insurance agent about the summer camp. The extended care, custody, and control of students during camps are different from regular classes and may require additional coverage. You need to inform your agent about the number of students, the hours they will be there, and if you are transporting them off-site. All these factors affect your coverage needs.

Off-Site Activities and Waivers

If your camp involves off-site activities like visits to parks or swimming pools, these details must be clearly included in the liability waivers signed by parents. It's essential to state where the children will be and what activities they will engage in to ensure parents are fully informed and have given their consent.

Additional Considerations

When hosting new participants who are unfamiliar with martial arts, it's vital to ensure they are comfortable with the activities before progressing to more advanced levels. This can help prevent injuries and misunderstandings.

John Graden: Should schools have a separate waiver for the summer camp?

Jennifer Urmston: Yes, absolutely. A summer camp-specific waiver should be designed for children who are not regular students. This waiver should detail the camp activities and ensure parents acknowledge and consent to these activities.

Safety and Supervision

Always have two adults present with the children to protect against claims of abuse. Ensure that children of different age groups have appropriate supervision, especially in changing rooms. Conduct background checks on all additional staff to safeguard against any potential issues.

Importance of Background Checks

John Graden: Background checks are relatively inexpensive and straightforward today, right?

Jennifer Urmston: Yes, exactly. Services like Secure Search offer background checks for a flat fee, covering all states. It's essential to document these checks to demonstrate that you have taken all necessary precautions to protect your students.

Real-Life Incidents

John Graden: There are various incidents from summer camps that highlight the importance of proper insurance and waivers. What kind of liabilities should schools be prepared for?

Jennifer Urmston: Claims related to water activities are common. It’s important to inform parents about outdoor activities and include this information in the waiver. Ensure that staff are trained in first aid and CPR and have an emergency plan in place. If using pools or other facilities, make sure there are trained lifeguards present.

Balancing Revenue and Safety

John Graden: Summer camps can generate significant revenue, but the potential liabilities are substantial. How can schools balance this?

Jennifer Urmston: Communication with your insurance carrier is key. Disclose all activities to ensure coverage. An additional premium for the camp is a small price to pay for the added security. Summer camps are a great way to grow your business, but always ensure you are covered for any eventualities.


John Graden: Thank you, Jennifer, for the valuable insights. Ensure you have the right waivers, list all activities, and conduct background checks to keep your summer camp safe and compliant.

By following these guidelines and ensuring proper insurance coverage, martial arts schools can host successful and safe summer camps, providing great experiences for students and peace of mind for parents.