This is a true story. Two car salesmen were on duty in the showroom.

The salesman who had been in the business for 25 years was the next one up for anyone walking in the door. 

The young salesman noticed a person looking at the newest, most expensive car in the showroom. 

The person was very poorly dressed and looked like she was a street person. The young salesman said to the elder salesman, “There is a lady looking at the cars. It is your turn.”

The elder salesman laughed and said, “You take her. I’m not wasting my time on a window shopper, much less one that looks like a street person!”

The young salesman walked over to the lady and said, “May I help you?” She asked how much the car cost. The young salesman said, “This is the most expensive car this company makes.”

The woman said, “So, young man, how much is it?” He told her and she said, “I think I’ll take it.” She paid for the car with a certified check and the next day picked it up.

The young salesman learned a valuable lesson that day, as did the elder salesman. With the Black Belt Attitude, you never assume anything about a person by the way he or she looks on the outside. You give everyone a chance to prove themselves.