Versatile Demonstrations

While large-scale demonstrations in places like malls and parking lots are great for visibility, small-scale demonstrations can be just as effective. They can be tailored for various groups, providing a more intimate and impactful experience.

Target Groups

Consider performing demonstrations for groups such as:

  • Daycare centers
  • Scout groups
  • Outdoor or wilderness clubs
  • Social clubs
  • Jaycee’s
  • Lion’s clubs
  • Hospital staff
  • Fire or police departments

These groups often include members of your target market and can provide excellent opportunities for community engagement.

Community Engagement

Encourage your students to take forms home, asking their parents to suggest groups that might be interested in a demonstration. Collect contact information for follow-up.

Creating Goodwill

Demonstrations are not only about recruitment but also about creating goodwill. They showcase the values of martial arts such as discipline, respect, and motivation. This helps build a positive image of your school in the community.


Offer incentives like coupons for a free week of martial arts lessons to everyone who attends the demonstrations. This encourages participation and can lead to new enrollments.


Small-scale martial arts demonstrations are a powerful tool for promoting your school, engaging with the community, and attracting new students. They provide a personalized experience that large demonstrations might lack, fostering a stronger connection with potential students and their families.