In the martial arts world, managing large groups of kids can be a real challenge. The key to a successful summer camp lies in keeping children engaged and disciplined. I’ve been doing this for 27 years, and I can tell you: downtime is the enemy. Kids who are left to their own devices often end up disruptive. To avoid this, you must have a well-structured program that keeps them active and focused.

Structured Daily Schedule

Morning Class: Every day, we start with a class from 10:00 to 11:00. This ensures the kids begin their day with structured activity and clear expectations.

Afternoon Class: Typically, classes run from 4:00 to 5:00. However, during summer, we shift to 3:30 to 4:30 to accommodate the warmer weather and field trips.

Engaging Field Trips

Field Trip Days: We organize field trips on Tuesdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays, it's all about swimming. We have the entire park and pool to ourselves, complete with lifeguards and staff. The kiddie pool is perfect for non-swimmers, while the big pool caters to the more experienced swimmers.

Friday Excursions: Fridays are reserved for other fun activities like bowling, roller-skating, or visiting Monkey Joe’s Bounce House. We also take the kids to the movies, booking entire theaters for a private experience. This ensures safety and control while providing an exciting experience.

Maintaining Discipline and Control

Field Trip Management: Discipline doesn’t end when we leave the school. Whether at the bowling alley or the movies, our expectations remain high. We maintain control by setting clear rules and having staff and monitors ensure they are followed.

On the Bus: Kids are not allowed to talk on the bus; they can only whisper. This reduces distractions for the bus driver and helps maintain order. Monitors, akin to school hall monitors, keep an eye on behavior and report any issues.

Setting Expectations

Orientation: At the start of each camp, we conduct a thorough orientation. We explain the rules, behavior expectations, and what will happen during the field trips. This approach ensures that all children understand what is expected of them.

Training and Consistency: Just like training a dog to behave, training kids involves clear expectations and consistent follow-through. It’s not just about setting rules but ensuring they are enforced.

The Key to Success

Discipline Equals Success: My approach is based on 27 years of experience. I’ve learned that structured activities, clear expectations, and consistent discipline are crucial for managing large groups of kids. It’s about maintaining control while keeping the experience fun and engaging.


If you want to run a successful summer camp or martial arts program, remember that discipline and structure are your best allies. Engage your kids with a well-planned schedule, keep them active, and ensure they understand and follow the rules. This is the foundation for a successful program.