There is a huge difference in becoming a hermit, feeling lonely and being alone.

Becoming a hermit and becoming anti-social is a sign of low self-esteem. Hermits may tell you they stay away from others because they are fed-up with the human race.

But underneath, they usually don’t feel they are worthy of friendship and are afraid of being rejected so they reject others before others can reject them.

Being lonely and being alone are worlds apart in definition. To be lonely is to feel unworthy of anyone wanting to be with you and is filled with self-pity.

With the Black Belt Attitude, you know being alone gives you the opportunity to explore things you could not if you were with someone.

A person who enjoys being alone likes to read, paint, do crafts, practice forms, research on the computer, or millions of other things that are not practical to do when with someone.

A Black Belt never feels lonely when alone but is invigorated with the chance to explore his/her talents.