Grappling Form

Leg Hook Takedown

Keys a) Move head to outside, in a small circle, to avoid being hit when clinching.

b) Touch rear knee down first to promote proper posture and a straight back.

c) Push forward with front knee to build momentum to insert rear hooking leg.

d) Once leg hook is established, push hips forward to lock out opponent’s knee bringing them to the ground. 

Transition to Side Control

Keys a) Still opponent’s leg by keeping arm around thigh until you have safety moved past opponent’s lower body and established your knees into proper side control position.

b) Establish upper knee touching opponent’s ear and lower knee touching opponent’s waist.

Broken Side Control 

Keys a) Establish first grip: by reaching over opponent’s head bringing elbow to far ear. 

Next, reach under opponent’s shoulder to armpit and with your opposite hand feed material between your thumb and forefinger.  Lastly, bring your little finger to the ground.

b) Establish your second grip by inserting your hand, fingers pointing in under your opponent’s hip; your palm should be flat on the ground.

c) Slide your knees out to a “Y” position bringing your lower abdomen to the floor.  Your body position should now be 45 degrees across your opponent’s body with your chest covering down your opponent’s near shoulder.

Transition to Mount (reverse scarf hold)

Keys a) Rotate your hips so your upper torso is perpendicular to your opponent; you should be facing your opponent’s feet.  Next slide your bottom knee through to touch your opponent’s near hip.  Your legs should now be in a 5 o’clock and 1 o’clock position (using as a reference, your opponent’s head as 12 o’clock)

b) Take your hand from your opponent’s hip; reach to opponent’s opposite knee and pull 

legs towards you.

c) Bring your knee behind you at 1 o’clock to your opponent’s near hip and then slide 

your knee across his waist until your knee touches the floor on the other side

Mount Position

Keys a) Place your feet so they are snug to opponent’s buttocks.  Squeeze your inner thighs to hug opponent’s torso.

b) Place one arm under opponent’s head until his ear touches your bicep.  Bring other 

arm inside under opponent’s armpit until his upper arm touches your bicep.

c) With forearm under head of opponent, firmly rotate your shoulder towards your hand 

beneath his head to pin his jaw all the way to one side.  With underhook arm bring elbow 

snuggly against lower armpit; your arm should be pointing 45 degrees upwards so that 

your hand is established as a stopper to prevent you from being turned to that side.

Escape from Mount

Keys a) Elbows in close to your ribs.

b) Place hand on opponent pelvis and the other on opponents’ upper thigh.

c) Push on opponent and shrimp to create space.

d) Bring inside knee to elbow and lift opponents leg with forearm and knee. 

Peel Sweep

Keys a) Hook opponent’s ankle with your hand (no thumb), bring opponent’s foot to your buttocks.

b) Push 45 degrees away with shin and knee to sweep opponent off you.

c) Use your opposite hand (if necessary) behind you to base and help push off to bring you over the opponent.

Passing the Guard 

Keys a) Our shin is pinning opponent’s inner thigh to ground.  Posture is very important, sit up

straight.  This brings your weight heavy in the leg and helps keep your head out of 

punching range.

b) With your hand on the covered leg side, grip opponent’s thigh by placing your hand with your thumb up and fingers down (this grip is harder for the opponent to pull off).

c) With your other hand, go under opponent’s free leg and grab his belt.  Lift your elbow to bring the back of your opponent’s knee over your shoulder.

d) Take hand from the belt and grab opponent’s collar near his neck on opposite side.  Push with your legs and bring opponent’s knee to his nose.  When you feel sufficient control let leg fall off and bring yourself to side control.

Side Control

Keys a) Bring top knee to opposite ear and bottom knee to opponent belt.

b) Bring top arm under opponent’s head to opposite shoulder.  Bring bottom hand over opponent’s body to establish an underhook under the opposite shoulder.

c) Face palms one over the other (or clasp hands), pin the opponent’s shoulder between your palms and your chin.

d) Don’t forget to exhale when your opponent tries to escape.

Outrigger Side Control

Keys a) As the opponent turns towards you, bring your lower knee from his waist straight in to his armpit.  Then bring your ankle to touch his waist.

b) Stretch out top leg to establish outrigger stopper oriented approximately 45 degrees above opponent’s body.

c) Squeeze your shoulder down across opponent’s jaw to your hand under opponent’s shoulder (trash compactor).  At the same time, use your body weight pushing against his/her torso to bring opponent’s shoulder blades back to the ground.

d) It is now fine to switch back to normal side control.

Escape From Side Control

Keys a) Create posture, by placing your outside hand on your opponents shoulder closest to your head and your inside forearm or hand on your opponents hip. 

b) Brace your opponent in place with the grip you’ve created, and shrimp out once or twice hard.

c) Bring your inside knee into the space you’ve created.  Bring your knee all the way along your opponents’ waist until it sticks out the opposite end of your opponents’ waist.

d) Next, straighten your angle to face your opponent head on.  Your foot should drop into your opponents groin area to establish an “inside hook”.  

Guard Sweep 1

Keys a) Take your arm and cover over your opponents arm on the opposite side of the body to where your foot is hooked in.

b) Pull the arm you have trapped, as close to you as possible, your other arm should be in an “underhook” position.

c) Start the sweep; lifting your opponents’ leg, with your hook, until it is at a 90-degree angle, then with your bottom leg sweep it back in a cutting style motion.  Use your “underhook” arm to aid in bringing the opponent over.

Keylock Armbar

Keys a) Now that you have established mount; using your opposite hand, push your opponents arm to the ground so that it is 90 degrees with your opponents’ hand pointing up.

b) Establish your square grip (or lock).  That is, your elbow should be touching your opponents ear and your hand should be holding down opponents’ wrist. Your arm and your opponents arm together form the shape of a square. 

c) Now insert your free hand (key) under your opponents elbow and keep sliding it until you can grab the back of your own wrist. Neither one of your grips should be using your thumbs.

Now just before you begin to pull the submission on, bring your foot, on the same side of the arm you are working, across to the opposite side, so your shin is “stilling” his waist.  Drop your chin to his shoulder and you are ready to start the submission.

Now, pretend you are painting a line down the floor and lift your elbow up and slide your opponent’s hand down the floor, remembering to keep contact with the floor until your opponent “taps”.

Getting Up In Base

Keys a) Now that we have completed our sequence, the top person will push off the bottom person with their shin and stand to establish a defensive stance.

b) The bottom person will rise by placing one hand close to their hip and with their opposite foot support their weight to create a “cradle”, in which they can swing their other leg through, bringing their knee outside the hand supporting their weight. 

c) Next, place you swinging foot on the ground, which will enable you to get up in a defensive stance.

d) Now the partners can which roles, with the opposite person attacking first, to begin the sequence.