It’s easy for martial arts school owners to fall into the trap of blaming their competition for their lack of recognition. 

You might think that the biggest school in town is just a belt factory McDojo, or that someone else is better known because of their tournament record or the popularity of the style they teach. 

But using these excuses only holds you back from achieving your full potential.

If you want to become well-known in your area, you can’t simply stay hidden in your school and hope that people will discover you. You have to get out there and make yourself known.

The great news is that most other school owners won’t take the steps I’m about to describe, which gives you a golden opportunity to become the martial arts celebrity in your town.

Leveraging Your Unique Position

As a martial arts school owner, you are one of the most unique business people in your community. The martial arts have an exotic allure and appeal that few other professions can match. This gives you a huge advantage—but only if you capitalize on it.

The essence of marketing is communication. Your ability to communicate effectively, emotionally, and consistently will play a huge role in your success.

Instead of spending money on paid advertising, I suggest you invest your time and effort into developing one or more 20-minute presentations on various aspects of martial arts as you teach it.

Then, get in front of as many audiences as possible each week.

Tailoring Your Message to the Audience

The martial arts offer so many benefits that you can tailor a presentation to virtually any group. Here are some examples of topics you can present:

  • Self-Defense for Children
  • Self-Defense for Seniors
  • Self-Defense for Executives
  • Self-Defense for Teachers
  • Martial Arts Fitness
  • Martial Arts Attitudes of Success
  • How Martial Arts Builds Strong Families

The possibilities are endless. I once taught a "Disciplines of Success" seminar for salespeople and was paid $500 for the first seminar. The company loved it so much that they doubled my pay and booked six more.

However, this strategy isn’t just about earning money as a speaker—though that can happen in time. It’s about getting your name out in the community by learning to write and speak effectively and then getting in front of as many audiences as you can. Your real pay will come in the form of new students.

Finding Your Audience

Every community has clubs, organizations, and events that are actively seeking speakers like you. Consider reaching out to:

  • Rotary Clubs
  • Kiwanis Clubs
  • The Optimist Clubs
  • Schools
  • Churches
  • Boy Scouts
  • Apartment Committees
  • Awards Dinners

These venues not only offer captive audiences but the organizers and attendees are often influential members of your community.

Not only can they bring you students, but they can also help you build your name and reputation once they hear you and believe in what you do.

Taking Action

We have 32 mini-speeches in "Teaching" that can help stimulate your thinking about what you want to present. But the key is to start booking these presentations today.

If you want to become well-known in your town, you must actively work to get your name out there.

Take full advantage of the unique opportunity you have as a black belt expert. Get in front of audiences and spread the good word about your school and what you teach.

Conclusion: Become the Local Martial Arts Celebrity

Becoming a well-known figure in your community isn’t just about teaching great classes within the walls of your school. It’s about getting out into your community, sharing your expertise, and making sure people know who you are and what you stand for.

By following these steps, you can become the go-to martial arts expert in your area, attracting more students and building a stronger, more successful school.