How to Become the Recognized Bully Expert in Your Town

If you want your martial arts school to stand out and become an integral part of your community, you must master the art of hosting, promoting, and teaching impactful seminars year-round. This is one of the first steps I guide clients through in my coaching program.

Why Seminars Work
Events, when done right, can create a buzz like nothing else. A well-promoted and executed seminar or interactive workshop not only draws attention to your school but also brings in high-quality traffic, including community leaders, friends of your current students, and even local media.

Seminars generate school pride and bring visibility to your program. And with the targeting power of Facebook, promoting your events has never been easier.

Guest Instructors Create Excitement
You don’t have to teach every seminar yourself. In fact, bringing in guest instructors can elevate your event. A special guest instructor can build excitement among your students and attract media interest.

For example, I’m scheduled to teach an Anti-Bullying Seminar in St. Pete for one of my coaching clients on October 15th. While the client could teach it, promoting me as the instructor adds an extra layer of excitement to the event.

We’re running promotions within his school and on Facebook, targeting both former students and prospects who resemble them in his zip code area. Thanks to Facebook’s reach, we’ve been enrolling participants every day.

Event Planning Made Simple
It’s not hard to plan and host a seminar every six weeks or so, especially when you take advantage of national observances. By aligning your events with National Days, Weeks, or Months, you give them an added significance.

Here are some examples for the first four months of the year:

  • JanuaryFree Fitness Kickboxing Workout Day
    Help people kick off the new year with a free fitness session.

  • February 8thNational Boy Scouts Day
    Host a self-defense seminar specifically for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.

  • MarchNational Nutrition Month
    Invite local nutritionists, weight loss experts, or chiropractic clinics to give brief presentations. Host a "Best Healthy Recipe" contest.

  • AprilSexual Assault Awareness Month
    Promote an anti-sexual assault seminar. Bring in a local counselor to add credibility to the event.

Bonus Tip: Participate in Community Events
Get your students involved in activities like Walk America. It's a great way to show community engagement while building a strong local presence.