Bringing in guest instructors or renting out facilities for external classes, such as weapons or self-defense workshops, is common. However, these arrangements can introduce significant risks to your business if not managed properly.

The first step in ensuring safety and minimizing liability is to verify that any guest instructors have their own insurance coverage.

It's crucial for school owners to require that guest instructors provide proof of their insurance before they begin teaching. This insurance should cover any potential injuries or accidents that could occur during their classes.

Additionally, guest instructors need to use liability waivers. School owners should either see that participants have signed the instructor’s waiver or have participants sign the school's own waiver.

This helps protect the school if any legal issues arise from the guest instructor's class.

For instance, suppose a school allows a guest instructor to conduct a self-defense seminar over the weekend. If an incident occurs leading to serious injury, and the instructor lacks proper insurance, the financial and reputational repercussions could be severe for the school. The liability for the injury could fall on the school, potentially leading to high legal costs and damaging claims.

School owners must also communicate any special events or classes to their insurance agents to ensure their current policy covers the additional activities.

For example, if a martial arts school hosts a holiday camp or a special seminar, this might increase the number of participants and change the risk dynamics, necessitating a review and possible adjustment of the insurance coverage.

Moreover, if the event involves serving alcohol, such as at a holiday party, the school owner should confirm that their policy includes host liquor liability coverage.

This specific coverage is essential if alcohol is present, as it protects against claims arising from alcohol-related accidents.

Lastly, maintaining a safe environment extends beyond instructor-led activities. During the winter months, ensuring that walkways and parking lots are clear of ice and snow is vital to prevent slips and falls.

School owners should coordinate with their landlords to ensure timely maintenance, keeping entrances and exits safe for all members and guests.

By taking these precautions—ensuring guest instructors have adequate insurance, using liability waivers, and adjusting insurance coverage as needed—martial arts school owners can protect their businesses from unnecessary risks and focus on providing a safe and enriching environment for their students.