“There is no way the iPhone will gain market share. No way.”

— Steve, Balmer,
Microsoft President in a 2007
USA Today interview

Years ago, some people viewed the invention of the telephone as an unnecessary expense and a societal blight. They lamented that the phone would signal the end of letter writing and resisted getting phones for years. The same resistance occurred with horse riders and the advent of the car.

Web Marketing Resistance: A Modern Parallel

What amazes me is that many small business and private practice owners exhibit the same attitude towards web marketing and creating an internet presence. Even after nearly 20 years of the web’s existence, too many business owners still take pride in their lack of web savvy. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "Computer? I don't even know how to turn one on." The one consistency in this comment is that invariably, the person making it is over age 40.

The Risks of Avoiding Web Presence

Think about it. Why leave your business vulnerable to some web-savvy kid, fresh out of college, who knows how to dominate your business in the most powerful marketing medium in history? When the media looks for someone to interview, they search online. Are they going to find you or the kid?

You may have high rank in belts, but the kid knows how to get high rank on Google, reaching your prospects and the media before you do. If your school does not have a professionally designed, mobile-friendly website, you make it harder for the media (and your potential clients) to find you. That is simply bad business.

The Power of a Strong Online Presence

When I owned martial arts schools, I dominated the media in Tampa Bay and was known as “Mr. Karate.” I had my own TV show, which significantly contributed to my business's success. Today, the web is the medium, and I’m active on it every day.

For instance, Google "John Graden." You’ll see a significant web presence, including video and images. On YouTube, where I often rank in the top ten for martial arts searches, my influence expands, just as yours can. I receive emails and phone calls from around the world, including many from the media, because of my extensive online presence.

The Convergence of Web and Media

In the chapter on social media sites, I’ll share how one video on YouTube led to my wife and me flying to New York City for me to guest on the Dr. Oz Show. There are two important issues here: the web and the media. More and more, they are converging into one. You must gain control of your online presence and optimize it to attract customers, clients, and the media or hire someone like me to do it for you.

Unlocking the Potential of the Web

The World Wide Web provides the most powerful “marketing without marketing” platform in existence. Yet, most professionals have no idea how to take advantage of it. That ends today. This section will walk you through creating a steady stream of new clients using various web-based tools that will pull clients through any resistance they may have against your services.

Tools to Establish Your Expertise

Here are the primary tools to jumpstart your position as an expert in your field. Keep in mind that all these tools run on the fuel of good SEO. Always produce with SEO and your “Ideal Client” in mind:

  1. Website: Ensure it is professionally designed and mobile-friendly.
  2. SEO: Optimize all content to rank high on search engines.
  3. YouTube: Leverage the second largest search engine to expand your reach.
  4. Social Media: Utilize platforms to increase visibility and engage with potential clients.
  5. Content Creation: Consistently produce valuable content to establish authority.

By embracing these tools, you can significantly enhance your business's online presence and attract a steady stream of new clients, ensuring long-term success.