Drill 1: Lion push-ups

The instructor will run the Dragons through reps of push-ups while the Dragons animate like lions.

Goal: This drill was specifically made to make doing push-ups fun.

Set up:

Step 1: Make a big circle with your Dragons.

Step 2: Have all of your Dragons lay on their stomachs.

Step 3:  Have the Dragons put their “lion paws” on the ground.

Step 4:  Each time you count have the Dragons do a push-up while growling loud like a lion.

Step 5: Follow the Little Dragon format to find the suggested amount of reps the Dragons should do according to their rank.

Instructor Tips: Animate with the Dragons. They love this drill and will do push-ups all day if you make this drill fun. Use these push-ups more often than just in your fitness class to get the best results. Remember, most Dragons will not be able to do decent push-ups. It is the concept that is important at this age.

Drill 2: Frog squat-jumps

The instructor will run the Dragons through a series of squat-jumps while the Dragons pretend they are frogs.

Goal: This drill was specifically made to make squat-jumps fun.

Set up:

Step 1:  Make a big circle with all of the Dragons.

Step 2:  Have the Dragons put their hands on their heads and bend their knees as low as they can go while keeping their back straight.

Step 3:  Each time you count the Dragons will jump as high as they can while making a loud frog sound.

Step 4:  Follow the Little Dragon format to find the suggested amount of squat-jumps the Dragons should do according to their rank.

Instructor Tips: Again, animate with the Dragons. They learn by play and imagination. Challenge them to jump and touch their head on the ceiling.

Drill 3: Cat sit-ups

The instructor will run the Dragons through reps of sit-ups while the Dragons animate like cats.

Goal: This drill was specifically made to make doing sit-ups fun.

Set up:

Step 1:  Make a big circle with your Dragons.

Step 2: Have all of your Dragons lay on their backs. 

Step 3:  Each time you count have the Dragons do a sit-up while meowing like a cat.

Step 4: Follow the Little Dragon format to find the suggested amount of reps the Dragons should do according to their rank.

Instructor Tips: Animate with the Dragons. They love this drill and will do sit-ups all day if you make this drill fun. Use these sit-ups more often than just in your fitness class to get the best results. Remember, most Dragons will not be able to do decent sit-ups. It is the concept that is important at this age.

Drill 4: Dragon Marathon

The instructor will run around the floor while giving the commands for the Dragons to do push-ups, sit-ups, and squat-jumps.

Goal: This drill is good cardio for children

Set up:

Step 1:  Set up markers on the four corners of the classroom allowing enough space for you and the Dragons to run around.

Step 2:  Have the Dragons make a straight line behind you.

Step 3: Jog around the classroom staying on the outside of the markers.

Step 4:  While jogging, give the command ‘lion”. The Dragons must stop and do 5 lion push-ups.

Step 5: Give the command “frog” and the Dragons must stop and do 5 frog squat-jumps.

Step 6: Give the command “cat” and the Dragons must stop and do 5 cat sit-ups.

Step 7: Repeat steps 4-6 at least two times each.

Instructor tips: Make sure you participate and do everything the Dragons have to do. This is a good workout for you and your Dragons. The parents will love you for burning off all of that excess energy.

Drill 5:  Dragon-Dragon-Turtle

This drill is done exactly like duck-duck-goose except for the names is different.

Goal: This drill will help the Dragon burn of excess energy in a fun way.

Set up:

Step 1:  Have the Dragons make a big circle.

Step 2: Have the Dragon that is sitting the best go first. 

Step 3:  The first Dragon will walk around the circle touching each Dragon on the head saying the name “Dragon”.

Step 4:  The Dragon must select one Dragon to chase him or her by calling that Dragon “turtle” and tapping them on the head.

Step 5: The “turtle” must then chase the Dragon around the circle before he or she can make it all the way around the circle and sit in the turtles spot.

Step 6: The “turtle” is now the one who gets to walk around the circle and select a new “turtle” to chase him or her.

Step 7: If the turtle tags the Dragon before he or she makes it to the spot safe, he or she must sit in the middle (known as the mush pot) and every Dragon in the circle gets to tickle him or her. The game then continues from step 7.

Instructor tips: Make sure every Dragon gets a chance to select a turtle. Encourage every Dragon to cheer the Dragon and the turtle on when playing.

This skill is used to help the Dragons prepare for any future sport. The more you make exercising fun, the better participant they will be in any sport they do. Keep in mind that there are many negative influences on children. One of the best ways to keep kids thinking healthy is through exercising.

At the end of this class, you should reward each Dragon with a black stripe showing that they have passed their fitness requirement for that belt. At testing time, you can select one or more of these drills to demonstrate in front of the judges. Each drill is designed to accommodate all ranks and styles. The higher rank the student, the more difficult techniques you should use in each drill; and the higher standards you should set for their performance.