Creating an obstacle course for kids or Little Dragons can be a fun and engaging way to develop their martial arts skills, coordination, and fitness. Here is a suggested 8-station obstacle course that incorporates various martial arts techniques and exercises:

8-Station Obstacle Course for Little Dragons

  1. Crawl Tunnels

    • Setup: Place two chairs next to each other and position a body shield between them, creating two small tunnels.
    • Objective: Kids crawl through the tunnels, enhancing their agility and coordination.
  2. Jump Over Targets

    • Setup: Stack martial arts targets or use other soft obstacles.
    • Objective: Students perform a jump kick over the targets, or simply jump over them while pulling their knees to their chests.
  3. Punch or Kick IKON Bag

    • Setup: Set up a kid’s IKON Bag.
    • Objective: Kids practice punches or kicks, aiming at the logo on the bag to improve their focus and striking accuracy.
  4. Front or Side Kick Foam Baton

    • Setup: Have a Leadership Team member hold a foam baton.
    • Objective: Students perform a front or side kick on the baton. Advanced students can perform a jump kick.
  5. Defensive Rising Blocks

    • Setup: A Leadership Team member holds two foam kali sticks.
    • Objective: The member strikes downward while the student practices defensive rising blocks against an overhead attack.
  6. Kick on Body Shield

    • Setup: A Leadership Team member holds a body shield.
    • Objective: Students kick the body shield with a kick of their choice, working on power and accuracy.
  7. Flying Jump Side Kick

    • Setup: A Leadership Team member holds a body shield.
    • Objective: Students perform a flying jump side kick on the shield, focusing on height and power.
  8. Run to Finish Line

    • Setup: Mark a finish line with cones or tape.
    • Objective: Students run across the finish line, completing the course and enhancing their speed and endurance.

Instructor Tips

  • Ensure safety by supervising each station closely.
  • Provide clear instructions and demonstrations for each activity.
  • Encourage students to do their best and offer positive reinforcement.
  • Adjust the difficulty of each station based on the student's skill levels.


  • Coordination: Improves coordination and agility through diverse movements.
  • Focus: Enhances focus and concentration by targeting specific points during kicks and strikes.
  • Fitness: Increases cardiovascular fitness and strength through dynamic activities.
  • Discipline: Develops discipline and perseverance as students work through each station.