Safety Tips for Kids: Things We Shouldn’t Play With

It's important for kids to know what kinds of things they should never play with, especially when they're alone. Here are some dangerous items and the reasons why they should be avoided:


  • Risk: Guns can accidentally discharge, causing severe injuries or even death.
  • Safety Tip: Never touch or play with guns. Always tell an adult if you see one.


  • Risk: Knives can cause deep cuts and serious injuries.
  • Safety Tip: Only use knives under adult supervision and for appropriate tasks like cutting food.


  • Risk: Matches can start fires that can quickly get out of control, leading to property damage and burns.
  • Safety Tip: Never play with matches. If you find matches, give them to an adult.

Sharp Tools

  • Risk: Tools with sharp points, such as scissors or screwdrivers, can cause puncture wounds and lacerations.
  • Safety Tip: Use sharp tools only when necessary and with adult supervision.

Electrical Equipment Near Water

  • Risk: Water conducts electricity, which can cause electric shocks and potentially fatal injuries.
  • Safety Tip: Keep all electrical devices away from water and never touch electrical equipment with wet hands.

Why These Items Are Dangerous

  1. Guns: The danger lies in the potential for accidental discharge, which can cause serious injury or death. Always assume a gun is loaded and never point it at anyone.

  2. Knives: Even a small cut can be dangerous, leading to severe bleeding or infection. Knives should be handled with care, and only for their intended purpose.

  3. Electrical Equipment Near Water: Electricity and water are a deadly combination. Electrical devices can cause severe shocks if they come into contact with water, potentially leading to drowning or electrocution.

  4. Matches: Playing with matches can easily start fires, which are difficult to control and can lead to devastating consequences.

  5. Sharp Tools: These tools can cause serious injuries if not handled properly. They should be used only under supervision and with the right knowledge.

Teaching kids about the dangers of these items and why they should avoid them can help prevent accidents and ensure their safety. Always supervise children when they are around potentially dangerous objects and educate them on the proper use and risks associated with these items.