Module 1 The Principles of an Authoritative Instructor  
Module and exam requiring 75% to pass.
Unit 1 Introduction: What to Do vs What Not to Do  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: Four Keys to Giving Clear Directions  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Setting And Maintaining a Standard for Conduct  - Preview  
Unit 4 Lesson 3: No Competition  
Unit 5 Lesson 4: No Rescues  
Unit 6 Lesson 5: False Praise  
Unit 7 Lesson 6: Name Question or Question Name?  
Unit 8 Lesson 7: Use Clear, Concise Language  
Unit 9 Lesson 8: Know and Use Your Natural Teaching Tools  
Unit 10 Lesson 9: Levels of Intervention  
Unit 11 EXAM: The Principles of an Authoritative Instructor  
Module 2 How Students Learn-The Science of Teaching  

How Students Learn-The Science of Teaching

One of the reasons the Martial Arts Teacher’s Certification program is so popular is that we present both the academic support and the real-world translation into working with students on a daily basis. We’ll give you the science, but we’ll only test you on the practical application in more layman terms.

Unit 1 How Students Learn  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: The Three Stages Of Learning  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Skill Explanations and Demonstrations  
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Other Factors for Demonstrating  
Unit 5 Lesson 4: Perfect Practice  
Unit 6 Lesson 5: What to Teach and When to Teach It  
Unit 7 Lesson 6: Class Structure  
Unit 8 Lesson 7: Teaching for Transfer  
Unit 9 Lesson 8: Two Types of Feedback  
Unit 10 Lesson 9: Instructor Feedback -- Skill Correction  
Unit 11 Lesson 10: Instructor Feedback — Motivating Students  
Unit 12 Lesson 11: Feedback: Self-Correct  
Unit 13 Lesson 12: How to Vary the Degree of Difficulty  
Unit 14 References  
Unit 15 EXAM: Module 2–How Students Learn  
Module 3 Curriculum Design  

Learn how to structure your curriculum to spur student interest and avoid overwhelming beginners or boring advanced students.

Unit 1 How to Structure Your Curriculum: Introduction  
Unit 2 Lesson 1 - Providing Instant Value  
Unit 3 Lesson 2 - Managing Expectations  
Unit 4 Lesson 3 - The Pyramid of Rank  
Unit 5 Lesson 4 - Defining What You Want for Your Students  
Unit 6 Lesson 5 - Less is Best  
Unit 7 EXAM: Module 3–How to Structure Curriculum  
Module 4 How to Increase Student Retention  
How to Increase Student Retention
Unit 1 How to Increase Student Retention  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: The Dungeon Dojo  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: People Are Busy  
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Why Students Get Bored  
Unit 5 EXAM: Module 4–How to Increase Retention  
Module 5 Principles of a Good Warm-Up  
Anyone who has ever participated in physical activities class or just any type of martial arts lesson, has heard the phrase, "You've got to warm up before you exercise." But what does "warming up" mean? What types of warm-ups are best? How can you tailor a warm-up to best suit the martial art you teach? How long should a warm-up last? Is warming up really that important? Is stretching the same as warming up? This module will address these questions to enable you to incorporate the best warm-up routine for your students.
Unit 1 How to Conduct a Proper Warm-Up  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: What Is "Warming Up"?  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: The Purpose of Warming Up  
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Stretching  
Unit 5 Lesson 4: Calisthenics  
Unit 6 Lesson 5: Customizing Warm-Ups  
Unit 7 Lesson 6: Warm-Up Guidelines  
Unit 8 EXAM: Module 5–Proper Warmup  
Module 6 How to Teach Calisthenics Safely  

Muscular strength and muscular endurance are important to withstand the resistance offered by opponents. Participants must also develop flexibility so that they can bend and twist with ease when executing martial arts movements.

Unit 1 Proper Execution of Calisthenics  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: Warm-Up Phase of Class and Calisthenics  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Specificity and Progressive Overload  
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Safety Issues in Calisthenics  
Unit 5 Lesson 4: Key Points About Proper Use Of Calisthenics  
Unit 6 EXAM: M6–How to Teach Calisthenics  
Module 7 Proper Execution of Flexibility Exercises  
For many years, in addition to martial artists, the subject of flexibility has been the focus of athletes, coaches, and the academic and scientific community. Research studies in the area of flexibility involve such topics as: injury avoidance, flexibility hypertrophy (increase) and atrophy (decrease), muscular fitness, and flexibility exercise.
Unit 1 Proper Execution of Flexibility Exercises  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: What is Flexibility?  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Factors Limiting Flexibility  
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Types of Stretching  
Unit 5 Lesson 4: Stretching Guidelines  
Unit 6 Lesson 5: Flexibility Exercises  
Unit 7 Summary and References  
Unit 8 EXAM: M7–Flexibility  
Module 8 How to Conduct Cool Downs Safely  
The cool-down is just as important as the warm-up. Abruptly halting vigorous activity causes pooling of the blood, sluggish circulation and slow removal of waste products. It may also contribute to cramping, soreness, or more serious problems such as fainting.
Unit 1 How to Conduct a Proper Cool-Down  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: What Is a Cool-Down?  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Modifications  
Unit 4 Lesson 3 Cool-Down Guidelines  
Unit 5 EXAM: M8–Cool Downs  
Module 9 How to Avoid Over-Training  
Preparing martial arts students for improved performance requires systematic and methodical planning of their training. Training may be defined as "a process of stimuli that is goal-oriented and planned to enhance athletic performance."
Unit 1 Introduction: General Adaptation Syndrome  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: The Three Stages Of The General Adaptation Syndrome  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Training Principles 1  
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Training Principles 2  
Unit 5 Lesson 4: Recovery and Detraining Effects: Recovery  
Unit 6 Lesson 5: Detraining Effects  
Unit 7 Lesson 6: Detraining Effects on Instructors  
Unit 8 Lesson 7: Ways to Help Offset Long-Term Detraining Effects  
Unit 9 EXAM: M9–Over-Training  
Module 10 How to Avoid Injury When Teaching Kicks  
Kicking is often especially difficult to learn without pain or even injury, although it does not need to be.
Unit 1 How to Teach Kicking Safely  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: Kicking Injuries  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Training Methods to Minimize Injury  
Unit 4 Lesson 3 Advanced Kicking Techniques  
Unit 5 Lesson 4: Summary and References  
Unit 6 EXAM: M10–Kicking Safely  
Module 11 How to Teach Sparring  
In most schools, sparring is one of the leading causes of drop out among students. Even when the school sticks to the relative stop-and-go safety of point karate, students still drop out.
Unit 1 How to Teach Sparring  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: Limited Sparring Drills  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Graduating to Head Contact  
Unit 4 Lesson 3: How to Teach Sparring by Joe Lewis (Video Lesson)  
Unit 5 EXAM: M11–How to Teach Sparring  
Module 12 Teaching According to Age Groups  


Teaching according to developmental levels can make the martial art learning experience more pleasurable and effective for all students. There are benefits for instructors as well. Specifically, the instructor should can create lesson plans designed to meet the needs of students. The better educated martial arts instructors are about the developmental abilities of students, the better the lesson plans can be designed to meet the needs of those students.

The study of martial arts involves thinking, physical conditioning, emotional involvement, and an examination of moral character. For these reasons, this chapter will focus on these aspects of development, and how the martial arts instructor can use the information to design lesson plans which truly meet the needs of students.

This chapter will review the cognitive (“thinking”), communication, physical, emotional and moral developmental patterns of age groups from preschooler to adults. We will explore how these factors influence martial arts training. Furthermore, we will consider special issues such as gender differences, learning styles, and multiple-age ranges training together.

The information presented in this chapter is to serve as a guideline for understanding life-span development. Varying paces of maturation, physical make-up, cultural differences, education, and life experience can affect the pace at which an individual moves through the stages of development. Therefore, consider this chapter your basic guide into child and adult development. To make it easier for the reader to incorporate the information, the chapter has been organized by age groups.

Author: Derenda Timmons-Schubert, Ph.D.

Unit 1 Age Specific Teaching  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: How Children Process Information  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Specific Age Groups: Preschoolers (Ages 4-6)  
Unit 4 Lesson 3: School Age (Ages 7-12)  
Unit 5 Lesson 4: Adolescent (Ages 13-17)  
Unit 6 Lesson 5: Adults (Ages 18+)  
Unit 7 Lesson 6: Piaget's Stages Of Cognitive Development  
Unit 8 Lesson 7: Kohlberg's Stages Of Moral Development  
Unit 9 Lesson 8: Memory  
Unit 10 Lesson 9: Tips for Teaching  
Unit 11 Lesson 10: Learning Styles  
Unit 12 Summary and References  
Unit 13 EXAM: M12–Teaching Age Groups  
Module 13 How to Create a Healthy Martial Arts Hierarchy  
We can think of the martial arts school as a small society, an organized group of people devoted to a particular end. And it seems that, more often than not, this martial society is organized along hierarchical principles. "Hierarchy" refers to a way of classifying or dividing groups into units of higher and lower status.
Unit 1 What is a Healthy Martial Arts Hierarchy?  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: Pitfalls and Abuses  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Evaluating the Reasons for Hierarchy  
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Why Hierarchy?  
Unit 5 Lesson 4: The Problem with Superficial Responses  
Unit 6 Lesson 5: Tradition, Accomplishment and Functionality Revisited  
Unit 7 Lesson 6: A Healthy Hierarchy  
Unit 8 Lesson 7: Order and Safety.  
Unit 9 Lesson 8: Keeping Cool  
Unit 10 Lesson 9: Remaining Open  
Unit 11 Lesson 10: Pushing the Limit  
Unit 12 Lesson 11: Tips For the Instructor  
Unit 13 Lesson 12: Conclusion  
Unit 14 EXAM: M13–Hierarchy  
Module 14 The Power of Motivation And Charisma  

Webster's Dictionary defines charisma as "A personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure."

Charisma is also that special quality of magnetism that each person has and uses to a certain degree. You have a special charisma to the students who look up to you, who respect and admire you: the members of your family and your friends and peers.

Whenever and wherever a person feels a positive emotion toward another, he or she imbues that person with charisma.

Unit 1 The Power Of Motivation and Charisma by Brian Tracy  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: The Law of Attraction  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: The Power of Purpose  
Unit 4 Lesson 3: The Power of Self-Confidence  
Unit 5 Lesson 4: The Power of Enthusiasm  
Unit 6 Lesson 5: The Power of Excellence  
Unit 7 Lesson 6: The Power of Preparation  
Unit 8 Lesson 7: The Power of Self-Reliance  
Unit 9 Lesson 8: The Power of Image  
Unit 10 Lesson 9: The Power of Character  
Unit 11 Lesson 10: The Power of Self-Discipline  
Unit 12 Lesson 11: The Power of Extraordinary Performance  
Unit 13 Summary  
Unit 14 EXAM: M14–Charismatic Leadership  
Module 15 Considerations in Praise, Discipline, and Class Control  

The skills and strategies outlined in this chapter are primarily targeted at promoting discipline in children. However, the general principles are universally applicable and should be applied with students of all ages.

In general, an atmosphere that focuses on students’ strengths, and that emphasizes honest, not excessive praise and rewards for good behavior and minimizes the use of punishment, will be most conducive to long-term learning, high levels of confidence, and will maximize students’ willingness to challenge themselves.

The fact is, the most effective and long-lasting way of changing someone’s behavior is by rewarding the behaviors that are desired. In general, if a student is showing a variety of behaviors, some good and some bad, the most effective strategy is to actually ignore the bad behaviors while making considerable efforts to reward the good ones.

The key is to honestly recognize and reward desired behavior and effort. Praising a half-effort or poorly executed skills simply reinforce that low level of performance.

Over time, the frequency of the good behaviors will increase because they are rewarded and the frequency of the problem behaviors will decrease because they are not rewarded. This is a “win-win” outcome. (There are, of course, times when problem behaviors cannot be ignored, this is discussed below).

Many people are familiar with the concept of reward or “positive reinforcement.” When a person is doing something that is desirable, you reward them in order to encourage that behavior in the future. This might include giving a hard worker a promotion, a child earning a quarter every time she makes her bed, or just telling a student “good job” after a training session. The definition of reinforcement is anything that increases the likelihood of the behavior being repeated in the future.

Praise and reward can be used successfully to help a student develop a particular martial arts skill, like a fast punch or a skillful form.

Reinforcement takes many forms, including verbal praise, prizes or trophies, doing something fun like a favorite drill, receiving compliments from one’s fellow students, or a smile from the instructor. Anything that is valued by the student can be used as a reinforcer. That is why rewards can be very individual. While student A may love sparring and find it very rewarding to be allowed to spar, it may feel like punishment to student B, who still finds sparring a little scary.

As an instructor, be careful not to assume that all of your students will like what you like, or what you liked when you were their age or skill level. Try to observe what is enjoyed and valued by a particular student and use that as a reward. Sometimes you also have to look at the relative reinforcing value of two rewards.

For example, several parents told me that they had trouble getting their kids to come to class. “They have a great time once they’re here, but it’s a battle getting them out of the house,” the parents said. Being a good psychologist, I did some further investigation. It turned out that all of these kids were doing one of their favorite activities, playing with friends, Nintendo, or watching a favorite TV show when the parents asked them to leave for karate. While the kids liked karate class, having to leave another favored activity made going to class seem like a punishment.

My suggestion was to simply change the schedule, making homework, a household chore, or some other less fun activity occur right before karate class. Since karate is much more reinforcing to the kids than cleaning their rooms, karate class turned into a reward! The result: No more battles, no more students late to class and no more unhappy parents.

Using rewards or praise sounds easy, and instructors are sometimes led to believe that a simple positive comment, or pat on the back is sufficient. As with everything, there are better and worse ways to use praise and reinforcement.

When reinforcement is used improperly, there may be several unwanted results. If rewards are overused, students may become arrogant or overly dependent on the reinforcement to perform the behavior. A child may be unwilling to spar if there’s no big shiny trophy waiting for her, for example. Too much praise may make a student think you’re insincere, and dilute the impact of your praise.

Using rewards appropriately will maximize the likelihood that students will internalize the behaviors you want them to develop, begin to perform them on their own, and learn to reward themselves.

Unit 1 Lesson 1: What Is Discipline?  
Unit 2 Lesson 2: What Is the Role of Discipline in the Martial Arts School?  
Unit 3 Lesson 3: Using Praise and Reward to Encourage Discipline  
Unit 4 Lesson 4: Key Elements for Encouraging Discipline in a Martial Arts Class  
Unit 5 Lesson 5: Using Reinforcement Effectively  
Unit 6 Lesson 6: The Difference Between Praise and Encouragement  
Unit 7 Lesson 8: What to Do vs What Not to Do  
Unit 8 Lesson 9 Four Keys to Giving Clear Directions  
Unit 9 Lesson 10: Helping Students Internalize Discipline  
Unit 10 Lesson 11: What Is Punishment?  
Unit 11 Lesson 12: How Effective Is Punishment?  
Unit 12 Lesson 13: When Is Punishment Useful?  
Unit 13 Lesson 14: Acceptable Forms of Punishment  
Unit 14 Lesson 15: Unacceptable Forms of Punishment in the Martial Arts Class  
Unit 15 Lesson 16: Using Punishment Effectively  
Unit 16 Lesson 17: Keys to Effective Punishment and References  
Unit 17 EXAM: M15–Praise and Punishment  
Module 16 How to Teach Life Skills  
As a martial arts instructor, you may become the most influential person in the life of a child, right behind parents (but not always behind). Sunday School teachers only see a child once a week, if the child even attends Sunday School.
Unit 1 Teaching Life Skills  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: Be a Role Model  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: The Difference between Showing and Telling  
Unit 4 Lesson 3: The Mistake of Telling the Wrong Stories  
Unit 5 Lesson 4: How to Teach Life Skills  
Unit 6 Lesson 5: Formulating Character-Trait Lessons  
Unit 7 Lesson 6: Teaching Character Traits to Adults  
Unit 8 Lesson 7: Is It Even My Job?  
Unit 9 Lesson 8: The Case for Morality  
Unit 10 EXAM: M16–Teaching Life Skills  
Module 17 Teaching Children With Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder  
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological disorder that affects approximately 5% of American children (Amen, 1995). "Neurobiology" is the study of the brain and all the nerves.
Unit 1 Teaching Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: ADHD Definition  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Symptoms of ADHD  
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Diagnosis and Treatment  
Unit 5 Lesson 4: Prognosis  
Unit 6 Lesson 5: Teaching Strategies  
Unit 7 Lesson 6: Four Basic Teaching Strategies For ADHD Children  
Unit 8 EXAM: M17–Teaching ADHD Students  
Module 18 Working with Parents  
As an instructor at a martial arts school, you recognize that working with the parents of your young students is a critical element in your success. Parents have an investment in their children's well-being at several levels, including physical and emotional aspects. Because of this investment, it is important to consider that your relationship with the child as instructor to student, also involves a working relationship with the parents.
Unit 1 Working with the Parents Of Students  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: Establishing the Relationship  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Responding to Questions and Concerns  
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Gathering Relevant Information  
Unit 5 Lesson 4: Responding to Expectations Related to Problem Behaviors  
Unit 6 Lesson 5: Maintaining the Relationship  
Unit 7 Lesson 6: The Rarely Seen Parents  
Unit 8 Lesson 7: The Highly Involved Parents  
Unit 9 Lesson 8: Concerns about Belt-Rank Promotion  
Unit 10 Lesson 9: Creating Opportunities for Communication  
Unit 11 Lesson 10: Summary  
Unit 12 EXAM: M18–Working with Parents  
Module 19 How to Teach Self-Defense Safely  

Teaching students to physically defend themselves in appropriate situations, especially without placing them at risk of injury, can be a key to the overall success of the instructor's program. Self-defense training is as safe as basketball, sparring, scuba diving, or any other physical activity provided professional teaching standards and safeguards are in place.

Unit 1 Introduction - How to Teach Self-Defense Safely  
Unit 2 Lesson 1 - Considerations for Student Safety  
Unit 3 Lesson 2 - The Rules of Engagement  
Unit 4 Lesson 3 - Equipment Safety for Students and Bad Guys  
Unit 5 Lesson 4 - Dealing with Body Types  
Unit 6 Lesson 5 - Dealing with Personalities  
Unit 7 Lesson 6 - Monitor Class for Safety  
Unit 8 Lesson 7 - Communicate the Limits of What Can Be Done  
Unit 9 Lesson 8 - Active Adrenaline, Tone, and Intensity  
Unit 10 Lesson 9 - The Word for Stop!  
Unit 11 Lesson 10 - Alternate Targets to Reduce Risk of Injury  
Unit 12 Lesson 11 - Safety Tips for Firearm Related Drills  
Unit 13 EXAM: M19–How To Teach Self-Defense Safely  
Module 20 An Overview of Law for a Martial Arts School  
This module will deal with: Self-Defense; Defense of Others; Defense of Property; Criminal Liability (assault, murder, manslaughter, robbery, rape, sexual assault); related Tort Liability (assault, battery, false imprisonment, wrongful death); Citizen's Arrest; and a little on Criminal Procedure; Contract Law; Tort Law and Business Law.
Unit 1 Lesson 1: Disclaimer: Self-Defense and the Law  
Unit 2 Lesson 2: The Five Elements of the Law of Self Defense  
Unit 3 Lesson 3 - Your Right to Self-Defense  
Unit 4 Lesson 4: Defense of Others  
Unit 5 Lesson 5: Defense of Property  
Unit 6 Lesson 6: Illegal Defense  
Unit 7 Lesson 7: Violent Crimes  
Unit 8 Lesson 8: Murder and Manslaughter  
Unit 9 Lesson 9: Criminal Procedure  
Unit 10 Lesson 10: Civil Law: Contract  
Unit 11 Lesson 11: Torts  
Unit 12 Lesson 12: Battery  
Unit 13 Lesson 13: Assault  
Unit 14 Lesson 14: Wrongful Death  
Unit 15 Lesson 15: False Imprisonment  
Unit 16 Lesson 16: Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress  
Unit 17 Lesson 17: Defamation  
Unit 18 Lesson 18: Misrepresentation  
Unit 19 EXAM: M20–An Overview of Law for a Martial Arts School  
Module 21 How to Avoid Negligence and Liability  

The most likely lawsuit brought against a martial arts school is for negligence. Negligence is simply having a duty to do something that will help maintain the safety of those present, and failing to fulfill that duty. Depending upon the State and the ideological bent of the Court in any given area, negligence may be easier or harder to prove.

Unit 1 Avoiding Negligence  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: Avoiding Accidents  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Some Common Training-Area Dangers  
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Safety of the Training Equipment  
Unit 5 Lesson 4: Safety of the Training Techniques  
Unit 6 Lesson 5: The Best Defense Is a Good Defense  
Unit 7 Lesson 6: What If It Really Is Your Fault?  
Unit 8 EXAM: M21–How to Avoid Negligence and Liability Course  
Module 22 Considerations When Using Assistant Instructors  
Probably since Abraham put his servant Eliezer in charge of his 318 trained men in ancient times, senior instructors have put senior students in charge of training junior students. It has been a tradition in martial arts that has endured through the centuries, from master to disciple, and now from head instructor to senior student. The State of California has other ideas, though.
Unit 1 Lesson 1: The $25,000 Volunteers  
Unit 2 Lesson 2: Defending Against the State  
Unit 3 Lesson 3: Use of Black Belts  
Unit 4 Lesson 4: Owner Liability for Instructor Conduct  
Unit 5 Lesson 5: Leaving Minors in Charge  
Unit 6 Lesson 6: Protecting the Students  
Unit 7 Lesson 7: A Note to Student Instructors  
Unit 8 Lesson 8: Proper Use of Student Instructors  
Unit 9 EXAM: M22–The Proper Use of Student Instructors  
Module 23 Sexual Harassment Liability  
By Scot A. Conway, Esq. Authors' Note: Certain material within this Module may disturb you, but in order to serve your best interests, it was, in all good conscience, entirely unavoidable. The following contents are, ultimately, solution-oriented. But understandably, sound solutions cannot be proposed unless the problem is presented first. And the problem is the disturbing trend in the martial arts industry involving sex and, to a far lesser extent, sex crimes.
Unit 1 Lesson 1: Introduction  
Unit 2 Lesson 2: Problems  
Unit 3 Lesson 3: Defining Sexual Harassment  
Unit 4 Lesson 4: Sexual Harassment and the Law  
Unit 5 Lesson 5: Sexual Battery  
Unit 6 Lesson 6: Child Molestation  
Unit 7 Lesson 7: Changing-Room Abuses  
Unit 8 Lesson 8: Minors  
Unit 9 Lesson 9: Disasters Waiting to Happen  
Unit 10 Lesson 10: General Guidelines To Avoid Problems  
Unit 11 EXAM: M23–How To Avoid Sexual Harassment Liability  
Module 24 The Importance of Safety Equipment  
Martial arts are innately dangerous, and over the years many students have been hurt learning the arts. Punching makiwara boards or hard heavy bags with bare knuckles had bloodied many hands, and the damage done to the bones and nervous system has made some types of work difficult for old-school martial artists. Working with sharp weapons has cut many of us, and training without proper sparring gear has gotten noses broken, legs fractures and, in more cases than any of us would like, debilitating head injuries.
Unit 1 Lesson 1: The Use and Maintenance of Safety Equipment  
Unit 2 Lesson 2: Use of Training Aids and Safety Equipment  
Unit 3 Lesson 3: Safety Measures for Unsafe Lessons  
Unit 4 Lesson 4: Maintenance of Safety Equipment  
Unit 5 Lesson 5: Sparring  
Unit 6 EXAM: M24–The Use And Maintenance of Safety Equipment  
Module 25 The Proper Use of Injury Waiver Forms  
Release Forms are known by several names, including Waivers, Liability Waivers, Assumption of Risk, and others. Whatever the name, it is essentially intended to be a form in which the students and parents agree not to sue the school if something goes wrong.
Unit 1 The Proper Use Of Release Forms  
Unit 2 Lesson 1: When to Get a Form Signed  
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Who Signs?  
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Who Gets Copies?  
Unit 5 Lesson 4: What About Loss?  
Unit 6 Lesson 5: Content of a Sample Form  
Unit 7 Lesson 6: Signatures and Initials  
Unit 8 Lesson 7: Authority to Treat  
Unit 9 Lesson 8: Advisory of Rights and Responsibilities  
Unit 10 Lesson 9: Assumption of Responsibilities and Risk  
Unit 11 Lesson 10: Notice of Physical Contact  
Unit 12 Lesson 11: Consent to Physical Contact  
Unit 13 Lesson 12: Indemnification by Parents  
Unit 14 Lesson 13: Arbitration Clause  
Unit 15 Lesson 14: Severability  
Unit 16 Lesson 15: Durability  
Unit 17 Lesson 16: How to Handle the Terror of the Forms  
Unit 18 Sample Release Form  
Unit 19 EXAM: M25–The Proper Use of Injury Release Forms  
Module 26 How to Teach Sparring by Joe Lewis