Martial Arts Instructors, How Do You Answer This Question?


When you’re talking to the media or a prospect, it’s not enough to have a good answer. You need a great answer.

The kind of answer that sets you apart from every other martial arts school in your area.

Here’s the challenge: most schools say the same thing. It sounds like this, "We teach more than just kicking and punching. We instill life skills that help our students succeed in all areas of life."

That’s fine. But do you think the other 20 schools in your area aren’t saying something similar?

The key to standing out is to focus on why you teach, not just what you teach.

Here are a few sound bites you can memorize that show why your school is different and more valuable than the rest:


1. The Prevention Pitch

"Self-defense starts long before a punch is thrown. It’s about confidence, self-control, and awareness.

That’s why we teach mental self-defense first, so our students can avoid conflict before it even happens.

You win 100% of the fights you’re never in."


2. The Everyday Impact

"Yes, our students learn how to defend themselves.

But what we’re really proud of is how martial arts impacts their daily lives.

People are often surprised when our students say, ‘I use martial arts every day.’

They’re talking about confidence and self-discipline, not fighting. That’s the real value of martial arts training."


3. The Respect Mission

"In our town, we’ve noticed a loss of respect in how people treat each other.

At our school, respect is at the core of everything we teach.

We’re on a mission to bring respect back, not just for others, but also for the power our students learn to control.

It’s about treating people the way you want to be treated and using your skills responsibly."


4. Former Student Testimonials

"We regularly hear from students who trained with us years ago.

They always tell us, 'I’ve never had to use martial arts in a fight, but the discipline and respect you taught me have had a huge impact on my life.'

That’s what we’re most proud of."

The Takeaway

Most martial arts schools are saying the same thing.

If you want to stand out, you need to go deeper.

Focus on the why, not the what.

Show your prospective students and the media that you’re teaching more than kicks and punches.

You’re teaching values that last a lifetime.