Martial Arts Summer Camps: Managing Insurance and Liability

As summer approaches, martial arts schools look forward to hosting summer camps, which are excellent opportunities for both current students and newcomers. These camps can be highly profitable and enriching, but they come with unique responsibilities and potential liabilities. Understanding and managing these risks is crucial to ensure a safe and successful camp.

Understanding Your Insurance Needs

When planning a summer camp, it's crucial to consult your insurance agent to ensure your current policy covers the extended hours and activities typical of a camp setting. Unlike regular class sessions, summer camps involve prolonged care, often from morning until late afternoon. Your agent needs to know:

  • The number of students attending.
  • The duration they will stay each day.
  • Whether you will transport students off-site for activities.

Crafting Comprehensive Waivers

A specialized summer camp waiver is essential, especially for participants new to your facility. This waiver should clearly outline:

  • The activities the students will participate in.
  • Any off-site excursions, including visits to parks or swimming pools.
  • The inherent risks associated with these activities.

Parents must sign this waiver, acknowledging their understanding and acceptance of these risks.

Ensuring Staff Preparedness and Safety

  1. Supervision: Always have at least two adults present when supervising children to protect against claims of misconduct.
  2. Background Checks: Conduct thorough background checks on all staff and volunteers to ensure they are suitable for working with children. Services like Secure Search can provide comprehensive checks for a reasonable fee.
  3. First Aid and Emergency Preparedness: Train all staff in first aid and CPR. Have an emergency plan for off-site activities, including clear protocols for transporting children to medical facilities if necessary.

Common Liabilities and How to Mitigate Them

Certain activities pose higher risks, such as swimming or outdoor adventures. To mitigate these risks:

  • Ensure qualified lifeguards are present at all water-related activities.
  • Clearly inform parents about outdoor activities and potential encounters with wildlife or insects.
  • Prepare staff to handle minor injuries and emergencies efficiently.

Real-World Incidents and Lessons Learned

Instances of injuries or emergencies at camps underscore the importance of preparation and clear communication. From children falling ill due to anxiety to unexpected off-site adventures, every scenario needs a plan.


Martial arts summer camps can significantly boost your business by introducing new students and providing valuable experiences. However, thorough preparation and understanding of insurance and liability are critical. By working closely with your insurance provider, crafting detailed waivers, and ensuring staff readiness, you can run a safe and successful summer camp that benefits everyone involved.

By following these guidelines, martial arts school owners can minimize risks and provide a safe, enjoyable environment for their summer camp participants.