In martial arts instruction, the way you deliver your commands and information is crucial to maintaining authority and ensuring effective teaching. Tags—unnecessary questions or phrases added to the end of statements—can undermine your confidence and clarity. Here’s why and how to avoid them:

1. Understanding Tags

Tags are extra, often unnecessary words or phrases added to the end of statements. They include:

  • “Okay?”
  • “Got me?”
  • “Make sense?”

These tags are signals of hesitation or uncertainty. They can make your teaching appear weak or unconfident.

2. The Impact of Tags

Using tags can:

  • Undermine Confidence: Tags like “Okay?” or “Got me?” suggest you’re unsure about what you’re saying. This can erode your authority as an instructor.
  • Create Confusion: Students may focus more on the tag than on the content of your instruction, leading to misunderstandings.
  • Signal Weakness: Starting or ending statements with tags can make your teaching seem less assertive and authoritative.

3. Examples of Tags and Their Alternatives

  • Tag Example: “When you throw the right cross, always come back with a left hook or ridge hand. Okay?”

    • Stronger Alternative: “When you throw the right cross, always come back with a left hook or ridge hand.”
  • Tag Example: “Okay, we’re going to learn how to jab. Okay?”

    • Stronger Alternative: “We’re going to learn how to jab. Focus on executing the jab with precision.”

4. Eliminating Tags from Your Teaching

  • Make Decisive Statements: Clearly state what you want your students to do without adding tags. For example, “Perform the side kick with power and control.”
  • Encourage Questions Separately: If you want to check for understanding, do so separately from your instructional statements. After giving a command, you might say, “Does anyone have any questions about the side kick?”
  • Build Confidence in Your Instructions: Practice delivering your commands and explanations with confidence. Avoid questioning the validity of your statements with unnecessary tags.

5. Benefits of Eliminating Tags

  • Increased Authority: Confident, clear instructions reinforce your position as an expert and leader.
  • Improved Clarity: Without tags, students focus on the core message and are less likely to misunderstand or get distracted.
  • Enhanced Professionalism: Eliminating tags contributes to a more professional and respectful teaching environment.

By eliminating unnecessary tags from your language, you can enhance your effectiveness as a martial arts instructor. This approach ensures that your commands are clear, authoritative, and impactful, fostering a stronger learning environment for your students.