180 Days Out: Begin to Develop Your Business Plan

  • Task: Visit our Martial Arts School Business Plans to find information and examples of good business plans. Work on this every day through opening and refer to it often afterwards. This is your map.

180 Days Out: Choose a School Name

  • Task: A good name is short and easy to remember and understand. Resist using your style in the name. Instead, consider using your city or region and maybe one word that describes your focus.
  • Considerations:
    1. If you want to sell your school one day, it may be harder to sell if it has your name in it.
    2. If you want to eventually expand into multiple locations, avoid using your city in your name.
  • Examples:
    • USA Karate
    • USA Self-Defense
    • Family Martial Arts
    • Martial Arts Fitness Center

180 Days Out: Secure The Domain Name For Your School

  • Task: If you can’t get the domain name to match your school, try to get one that can promote it (e.g., www.LearnKungFu.com).

170 Days Out: Choose an Accountant and Attorney/Solicitor

  • Task: Make sure they specialize in small business owners. Choose your business structure (Sole Proprietor, Partnership, S or C Corp, or LLC).

170 Days Out: File for Tax IDs

  • Task: Have your attorney file for your Federal Employment Tax ID and your accountant apply for your State, Province, VAT Tax ID, and any others required.

170 Days Out: Apply for a Business Credit Card

  • Task: Use these strictly as business-only cards to build credit and reward points. Pay it off each month.

170 Days Out: Open General Bank Account

  • Task: Use this to pay rent, phone, and utility deposits, and clear your credit card statement in full each month.

170 Days Out: Obtain a Merchant Account to Take Credit Cards

  • Task: Get your merchant account right away to sell intros, merchandise, and programs in person and online at a discount long before the doors open.

170 Days Out: Open a PayPal.com and or Stripe Account

  • Task: Use PayPal or Stripe as an additional payment option.

160 Days Out: Complete Your Business Plan

  • Task: Finalize the missing elements of business structure, name, location, etc.

160 Days Out: Create a Marketing Plan

  • Task: Emphasize Low Risk Marketing (costs little or nothing) over High Risk Marketing.

160 Days Out: Develop Your Curriculum and Belt Ranks

  • Task: This can change up to the end but start working on it now.

160 Days Out: Hire a Logo Artist

  • Task: For about $300, have a professional logo developed for your school by our artists.

150 Days Out: Start Location Shopping

  • Task: Use our Location Evaluator to help you pick a good location.

120 Days Out: Prepare Emergency Financing

  • Task: Make sure your credit is clean and request increases in your credit line.

120 Days Out: Shop for a Good Sign Maker

  • Task: Start the creation process rolling along, so all you have to do is determine the dimensions and mounting.

90 Days Out: Sign Lease

  • Task: Make sure your attorney reviews every step of this process.

90 Days Out: Begin Build-Out as Soon as You Can

  • Task: Review Lease Negotiations for build-out negotiation strategies and school layout examples.

90 Days Out: Order Telephone and Utilities

  • Task: Establish a phone number and utilities for your school.

90 Days Out: Order Business Cards and Stationary

  • Task: Order as soon as you know your address, phone, website, and email.

90 Days Out: Order and Mount Your Sign

  • Task: Get your sign up with banners and window art that keeps people up-to-date on the progress of the school.

90 Days Out: Obtain Your Permits

  • Task: Get whatever licensing your community requires to operate a business.

60 Days Out: Write Your Sound Bites

  • Task: Develop one 30-second sound bite that answers the question, “What do you do?”

60 Days Out: Join Chamber of Commerce

  • Task: This is a free way to get the word out among the community leaders that you are going to open a martial arts center.

60 Days Out: Get Professional Liability Insurance for Your School

  • Task: Use a recommended insurance carrier for martial arts schools.

45 Days Out: Finalize Belt Requirements

  • Task: Make sure it is realistic and manageable.

45 Days Out: Create The First Class Schedule

  • Task: Focus on two or three classes per night for beginners and a martial arts fitness class on Saturday morning.

45 Days Out: Create a Media List

  • Task: List all local editors, TV, and radio producers.

45 Days Out: Create a Demo/Speech Target List

  • Task: Research all the potential organizations that might be interested in your presenting a speech or demo.

30 Days Out: Order Logo Items

  • Task: Order patches, T-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.

30 Days Out: Start Researching Office Equipment

  • Task: Find the best deals on computer, desk, copier, phone system, etc.

30 Days Out: Review Your Marketing Plan

  • Task: Ensure daily efforts are spent on attracting new students.

30 Days Out: Get Credit Card with Reward Program

  • Task: Use one credit card for all merchandise purchases.

20 Days Out: Write First Media Release

  • Task: Announce your school, what you offer, when you will open, and how to contact you.

20 Days Out: Write Sales Presentation Materials

  • Task: Create your tuition sheets, program descriptions, Black Belt Club info, and school brochures.

20 Days Out: Create a List of Maintenance Processes

  • Task: List daily, weekly, and monthly tasks for cleaning, admin, filing, etc.

20 Days Out: Establish a Wholesale Account

  • Task: Get a wholesale account with an equipment distributor.

10 Days Out: Email First Media Release

7 Days Out: Call Media to Follow Up on Releases

7 Days Out: Call Prospects and Start Scheduling Appointments for Intros

Each Day, Make Yourself Visible

  • Task: Be visible in your school’s neighborhood in uniform.

1-3 Days Out: Practice and Role-Play

  • Task: Practice phone calls, intros, school tours, and enrollment conferences.

Opening Day: Relax

  • Task: You are more prepared than 95% of any other school owner on opening day. You’ll do great.

This comprehensive timeline ensures you cover all aspects of planning and preparation, setting your martial arts school up for success.