Black Belt Club Renewal Script

Student Manager: Mrs. Jones, how do you feel about Joey’s progress?

Parent: We’re real pleased. He loves karate.

Student Manager: That’s great, we sure enjoy working with him. Do you think the training has been good for him?

Parent: Yes.

Student Manager: How so, specifically?

Parent: Well, his teacher sent a note home saying how much he has improved in his conduct. His grades still need some work but he seems to be learning some respect.

Student Manager: That’s great. How does Mr. Jones feel about his training?

Parent: At first he wanted Joey to play soccer but I think he’s coming around. The other night he asked Joey to take the trash out and Joey said “Yes Sir.” I thought his dad was going to fall over.

Student Manager: What would you like to see Joey get out of his karate?

Parent: Well, I want to see his confidence and self-control continue to improve.

Student Manager: We believe that confidence is the result of accomplishment. In our case, the goal is black belt. Has Joey discussed black belt as a goal with you?

Parent: Oh yes. He wants it.

Student Manager: And how do you and Mr. Jones feel about that goal? Do you support it?

Parent: Yes. If it’s what he wants we’re all for it.

Student Manager: That’s important because in our years of training students to black belt, we know family support and participation is a critical factor. As you know, Joey has been nominated for the National Black Belt Club. The Black Belt Club is a national affiliation of top-level students like Joey, who are dedicated to earning their black belt.

The Black Belt Club is not for students who just train for fun or miss class and don’t try as hard as they could. The students are recommended based on three areas:

  • Great attendance, showing enthusiasm and discipline.
  • A black belt attitude, reflected in high personal standards.
  • Commitment to earning a black belt with family support.

When a student commits to black belt, we double our commitment to the student. Here’s how it works. As a member of the National Black Belt Club, Joey will receive several special privileges including:

  • A special certificate, membership card, and patch recognizing his Black Belt Club membership.
  • Attendance at exclusive Black Belt Club events like the upcoming nunchaku seminar.
  • Access to more classes, including a special Friday night class for advanced techniques.
  • Discounts on one training item per month.
  • A special red uniform and Black Belt Club belt with a black stripe.
  • At least a 20% discount on fees for special events.
  • No belt exam fees to ensure continuous progress.

Tuition Arrangements and Close: That’s a pretty good overview of the privileges of the National Black Belt Club. Here’s how it works. Joey has been training now for four months. Most students earn their black belt in 42 months, so he has about 38 months to go.

Your current tuition had a down payment of $149 and then $69 per month. At two classes per week, his tuition averages $9.08 per class. With the additional classes as a Black Belt Club member, his average class tuition will drop to $7.50 per class. His Black Belt Club tuition has a down payment of $249 and then his monthly tuition will be [YOUR TUITION] per month for the next 38 months starting next month.

We’ll cancel his current program and replace it with this one. All it takes to get him started into the Black Belt Club is the initial enrollment of $249.

SHUT UP! Let them respond with a question or an OK. Do not say another word until they speak first.

Parent: What is the $249 for?

Student Manager: The 38 months we estimate until his black belt at [YOUR TUITION] per month equals about $3200 as the total investment over the period of time. The $249 is a down payment towards that amount. How does the [YOUR TUITION] work for you?

Parent: The [YOUR TUITION] is fine I just don’t know about the $249.

Student Manager: OK, let’s make sure I understand. The monthly tuition is fine but the $249 represents a challenge for you. Is that right?

Parent: Yes, I just bought new tires.

Student Manager: I understand. So if we could work out the $249, Joey would get to be a member of the National Black Belt Club?

Parent: Yes.

Student Manager: OK…How much do you think would be a comfortable amount tonight?

Parent: I can put half down now.

Student Manager: When do you think the other half would work?

Parent: Probably about two weeks.

Student Manager: OK, today is the 7th. So tonight we deposit $124.50 and then by the 21st we’ll have the other $124.50 in. Is that correct?

Parent: Yes

Student Manager: Fine. Here is what we can do in a situation like this. If you write a check for $124.50 to get him into the National Black Belt Club, and then write a second check for $124.50, I’ll hold it here in the drawer until the 21st before I deposit it. This way, I can tell the billing company that Joey is fully registered and he can immediately get involved with the National Black Belt Club.

Parent: Thank you.


By following this detailed script, you can effectively present the benefits of the Black Belt Club, address any concerns or objections, and successfully enroll students into the program. This approach ensures parents see the value in the investment and supports the long-term goals of the student.