The Role of Modeling Obedience

Effective martial arts instruction requires more than just teaching techniques; it demands that instructors model the behavior they wish to instill in their students. Demonstrating obedience to higher authority, such as the head instructor, and showing respect for parents and other authority figures sets a powerful example for students.

Instructors must embody the principles they teach. By showing how to obey their own instructors and treat their parents with respect, instructors provide a clear, actionable example for students to follow. This credibility is crucial for teaching the importance of obedience effectively.

Leading by Example: The Head Instructor’s Role

The head instructor is the cornerstone of a martial arts school's culture. By modeling obedience and respect towards their own instructors, the head instructor establishes the standards for their team. This, in turn, lends credibility to their expectations for student behavior. It’s vital that the head instructor demonstrates a commitment to the well-being of their instructors and students, reinforcing the value of obedience through genuine leadership and care.

The Power of Success Stories

Stories about individuals who achieved greatness through obedience serve as powerful illustrations. Sharing real-life examples of how obedience led to success can motivate and inspire students. One compelling example is the story of Debora from the Guardian Kempo Academy of Christian Martial Arts in San Diego.

Debora, a black belt, overcame numerous medical disabilities to achieve exceptional skill and resilience. When she began her training as a white belt, she followed every instruction meticulously. She adhered to her doctor’s advice, obeyed her instructor’s commands, and practiced diligently. Her commitment to obeying the rules and practicing consistently paid off in life-threatening situations.

When attacked by a criminal just 18 months into her training, Debora used her skills to end the confrontation swiftly. Her obedience to her training allowed her to protect her neighbors from drug-crazed criminals less than a year later. Despite her medical limitations, Debora’s disciplined adherence to instructions and rules made her one of the most skilled and capable students.

Teaching Through Example and Stories

Instructors should leverage their own experiences and those of their students to highlight the importance of obedience. By sharing stories that demonstrate the positive outcomes of following instructions and adhering to rules, instructors can reinforce their teachings and motivate students.


Modeling obedience and respect is fundamental for martial arts instructors. By exemplifying these values and sharing impactful success stories like Debora’s, instructors can effectively teach students the importance of following instructions and adhering to authority. Your actions and stories can inspire and guide your students, setting them on a path to success both on and off the mat.