The Ten-Times-Ten Referral Strategy is designed to help you build a powerful referral network with professionals in complementary fields. By connecting with other top professionals and sharing referrals, you can create a consistent flow of prescreened, new clients for your business. Here’s how to implement this strategy:

Step 1: Create Your Initial List

Start by creating a spreadsheet to keep track of contact information and notes for at least ten professionals you trust and feel comfortable referring clients to. These should be individuals in complementary fields who offer services that align with or enhance your own.

Step 2: Send a Letter to Your Top 10

Next, send a personalized letter to each professional on your list, inviting them to join your referral network. Here’s a sample letter you can use:

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I’d like to include you in my professional referral database. I’ve attached a spreadsheet with the ten best professionals I know. These are the people I will refer clients to from now on.

As you can see, both of us are on it. All you need to do is add your top 10 professionals to the list and send it back to me. Ideally, they would be 10 different pros.

Send each of them a letter like this and ask them to list their top 10 and return it to you. That will get them on this list, and when the list is full at 100, I’ll send all of you an updated copy of this list.

This way, we can refer to each other and increase business at no charge.

Let me know if you have any questions.

[Your Name]

Step 3: Expand the Network

Repeat the process of reaching out to professionals until your network grows to 100 members. Each professional you add should be encouraged to invite others, creating a multiplying effect that expands the network rapidly.

Taking It to the Next Level

If you want to supercharge this strategy, consider the following steps:

  1. Monthly Updates: Send a monthly email with an updated list of professionals to your network. This keeps your network engaged and reminds them of your business regularly.

  2. Add Value to the List:

    • Invite members to send you a short bio and information about their business.
    • Include updates on your practice and any work you’re doing.
    • Mention any special offers from those on the list.
    • Invite members to networking events once or twice a year.
    • Host business-building webinars and invite various members to present.
    • Offer to answer email questions from network members about your area of expertise. Encourage them to offer the same, but be careful to manage your time and avoid unpaid consulting.

By implementing these steps, you can enhance the value of your network, keep members engaged, and increase the flow of referrals among all participants.