Whereas a traditional martial arts school will usually require instructors to come from within their ranks after earning their black belt in that particular style, Empower Kickboxing instructors can be recruited similarly to UFC Gyms, 9Round or CKO.

Typically, you’ll look for someone with personal training certification with kickboxing and/or martial arts training.

You can train this person on the martial arts and weapons module.

For the kickboxing module, keep in mind that kickboxing is different from traditional karate or TKD.

For instance, kickboxers don’t snap their kicks and hold them out with a bladed foot before recoiling.

They may spin around with their round/leg kick and never recoil it. So as you work with this instructor, you will need to have an open mind about the strict skill parameters many of us came up with in pursuit of “perfect form” rather than “effective application.”

Someone trained in Muay Thai is not going to kick like a tae kwon do student.

You will have to determine what you want in the classes. A “form-based” tkd kick or an “application-based” Muay Thai kick.

Regarding rank for instructors, after training with them, you’ll have to decide if you want to provide them with a “transitory black belt” to wear while teaching and at events.

Maybe after 12 months, you can test/promote them to “confirmed black belt.”

Alternatively, their skills may be good enough for them to wear a black belt from day one, just not one awarded by you.

Here are some examples of what established kickboxing schools are seeking.

