The Martial Arts Gap

The GAP is the divide between your martial arts experience and the market’s expectations.

It’s safe to say:

  1. You love the martial arts.
  2. The martial arts improved your life.
  3. You want to share that experience with others and make a good living doing it.

It’s also safe to say:

  1. The only reason you were raised in your style is that it was taught in the school you joined.
  2. You did not join the school seeking a style, forms, or any specific techniques.
  3. You joined because it was geographically convenient and/or the cheapest option.

The love you have for your style, its techniques, and traditions is the result of indoctrination, not informed decision-making. Simply put, you didn’t know what you didn’t know.

Understanding the GAP

The GAP is the divide between your indoctrinated bias and the benefits that your prospects are seeking.

Empower Kickboxing™ strips away all the complexity of style-based martial arts and presents just the easiest to learn, most effective skills. The class focus is on different applications of these skills with an emphasis on conditioning.

The Result

The GAP is eliminated. The students learn skills and get fit much faster. By focusing on practical, easy-to-learn techniques and conditioning, Empower Kickboxing™ ensures that students quickly gain proficiency and see tangible benefits, meeting the expectations of today’s market.