Navigating Liability Insurance for Martial Arts Schools:

The landscape for the martial arts business has changed drastically over the past few decades. What used to be referred to as a martial arts school is now often referred to as a gym. Just like the rules for what constitutes martial arts have changed, so have the insurance coverage requirements for martial arts schools or, more specifically, martial arts programs.

As an example, your karate school with 200 kids may be covered by liability insurance. However, the same school may offer an MMA class that is NOT covered. To help you make sure you have the right liability insurance coverage, here is a sampling of what may or may not be covered by your insurance company.

What Programs are Usually Covered by Martial Arts School Insurance?

  1. Karate Schools
  2. Kung Fu
  3. Aikido
  4. Tae Kwon Do
  5. Fitness Kickboxing
  6. Fitness Boxing
  7. Judo
  8. Jiu Jitsu
  9. Self-Defense (with fake weapons)

What Programs May Not be Covered by Martial Arts School Insurance?

  1. Any Program with Live Bladed Weapons
  2. Any Program with Firearms
  3. Concealed Firearm Classes
  4. Full Contact Kick Boxing
  5. Full Contact Boxing
  6. Mixed Martial Arts
  7. Submission Fighting
  8. Cage Fighting (Just having a cage in your school can disqualify you)

Understanding the Coverage:

  1. Traditional Martial Arts Programs such as karate, kung fu, aikido, and tae kwon do are generally covered by liability insurance due to their structured and controlled training environments.
  2. Fitness-Based Programs like fitness kickboxing and fitness boxing are also typically covered, as they are primarily focused on conditioning and exercise rather than combat.
  3. Self-Defense Classes that use fake weapons are usually covered as they focus on safety and non-lethal techniques.

Programs with Potential Coverage Issues:

  1. Programs Involving Live Bladed Weapons or Firearms: These pose significant risk and liability due to the potential for serious injury.
  2. Full Contact and Mixed Martial Arts Programs: The intense and aggressive nature of these programs often leads to injuries, making them higher risk.
  3. Cage Fighting: The presence of a cage can increase perceived risk and liability, potentially disqualifying your coverage.

Steps to Ensure Proper Coverage:

  1. Review Your Current Policy: Understand what is and isn’t covered under your current liability insurance.
  2. Consult with Your Insurance Provider: Discuss any programs you offer that might not be covered and explore options for additional coverage if necessary.
  3. Consider Specialized Insurance: For high-risk programs, look into insurance policies specifically designed to cover those activities.

By understanding what is covered by your liability insurance, you can ensure that your martial arts school is adequately protected and can continue to provide a safe environment for your students.

Remember: It’s always best to double-check with your insurance provider to ensure your specific programs and activities are covered. Protect your school, your instructors, and your students by staying informed and proactive about your insurance coverage.