Running a Successful Little Dragons Martial Arts Program

Enthusiastic Teenage Instructors Your most enthusiastic teenage color belts can run the class under your supervision. The drills are simple and fun, making it easy for anyone with a heart for children to teach your Little Dragons classes. We recommend that all instructors working with children complete the MATA Instructor Certification program to reduce potential liability and ensure professionalism and safety.

Charismatic Role Models Anyone who enjoys teaching, has a caring personality, and possesses charisma will be a popular role model among preschoolers. Keep the martial arts training simple, and the Dragons will return eagerly every day, ready to learn and play.

Class Structure and Timing Little Dragons, generally aged 4-6, can sometimes include older children, but 7-year-olds typically transition to regular kids' classes. Saturday mornings at 9:00 a.m. are usually a good time, but you can adjust based on parent demand. Morning and early afternoon classes, such as 3:00 p.m., can also be successful. Classes should last about 30 minutes, as longer sessions can be challenging for both students and instructors.

Flexible Attendance and Testing Schedules A one-day-a-week program is often sufficient for this age group, though more enthusiastic students can opt for twice a week. Test them every six weeks, allowing for better preparation and reducing the impact of missed classes.

Class Content Teach basic skills, agility, coordination drills, and simple strengthening exercises. Incorporate lessons on manners, stranger danger, and goal setting. Use positive reinforcement and encourage parents to applaud their children at the end of each class.

Uniforms and Equipment Require Little Dragons to wear the same uniforms as other students. Provide gloves and mouthpieces after enrollment, and additional gear like footgear and shin guards at the Gold belt level. Use fun items like "bopper bags," hula hoops, rubber balls, pool noodles, and balloons to keep classes engaging.

Instructor-to-Student Ratio Maintain a 1:6 or 1:8 teacher-to-student ratio. With a good assistant, you can manage larger classes of 12-16 kids while maintaining quality instruction.

Pricing and Revenue Generation In most areas, $50 a month for one class a week is affordable. Regular classes might cost around $15 per session, while Little Dragons classes cost about $10 per session. Offering lower prices can attract more students. Additionally, the Little Dragons program can significantly boost your monthly merchandise sales, as parents are eager to support their children's positive activities.

Graduating to Regular Programs Typically, Little Dragons take about a year and a half to graduate into the regular children’s program, attending twice a week and promoting every eight weeks. Create around ten belt ranks within the program, adding intermediary belts to your existing system. This customization helps with retention and ensures that Dragons transition smoothly into the regular program with advanced skills and focus.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a thriving Little Dragons program that not only boosts enrollment but also fosters a lifelong love of martial arts in your youngest students.