What is the Down Payment For?

Calculating the Black Belt Club Membership Fee:

  1. Calculate Total Tuition to Black Belt:

    • Determine the number of months it will take for a student to achieve their black belt.
    • Multiply the number of months by the current tuition rate the student is paying.
    • Multiply the result by 1.10% to account for additional benefits and fees.
  2. Add Down Payment/Registration Fee:

    • Add a $249 down payment/registration fee to the total calculated tuition.
    • This $249 is a down payment towards the total amount for their Black Belt Club (BBC) membership.

Example Calculation:

  • Number of months to black belt: 36 months
  • Current monthly tuition: $100
  • Total tuition without BBC membership: $100 x 36 = $3600
  • Total tuition with BBC membership: $3600 x 1.10 = $3960
  • BBC membership fee (including down payment): $3960 + $249 = $4209

Adjusting the Down Payment:

  • A higher down payment would reduce the monthly payment required.
  • The down payment of $249 also includes their membership into the BBC.
  • Be flexible with the down payment to ensure enrollment of an enthused student. The goal is to increase monthly receivables, not cash outs.

Addressing Traditional Schools with Uniform Restrictions

Creating Visibility for the BBC Without Colored Uniforms:

  • Dedicate a Wall for BBC Recognition:
    • Mount the students' black belts on the wall.
    • Include their picture and the target date for their black belt exam.
    • This visual representation compensates for the lack of visibility of the BBC in the classroom and serves as a powerful motivational tool.