The Importance of Clear Language in Instruction

Your words carry immense power in the classroom, shaping student behavior and learning outcomes. It's essential to craft your language carefully to ensure students understand exactly what is expected of them.

Avoiding Negative Instructions

Instead of using phrases that focus on what not to do, such as "Don’t drop your guard," it's more effective to use positive instructions that clearly describe the desired action. For example, "Keep your guard up" directly tells students what you expect.

Enhancing Clarity with Visual Analogies

To make instructions even clearer, use relatable analogies. Telling a student to "think of holding two phones to your ears" when you say "guard up" creates a vivid image that makes the instruction stick.

Defining Expectations

Generic commands like “Pay attention!” are often too vague for students who may not know exactly what that entails. Instead, specifying that paying attention means "facing the instructor at parade rest, with eyes focused and remaining silent" sets a clear standard and teaches students how to meet it.

Benefits of Specific Guidance

This approach not only aids in comprehension but also simplifies accountability. When instructions are specific, both you and the student can easily agree on whether they've been followed. Clear guidance eliminates confusion and optimizes learning time, allowing for a more productive class environment.