To stand out among competitors, positioning yourself as the local crime expert is a strategy that can lead to media outlets seeking your expertise. This not only builds your reputation but also boosts your website’s SEO ranking by increasing engagement from local visitors.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to becoming the go-to crime expert in your area:


Step 1: Register on Local Community Websites

Begin by registering for free accounts on community websites that allow guest posts or member contributions. Some examples include:

  • Local news websites (like
  • Chamber of Commerce sites
  • Craigslist
  • Community and civic group platforms
  • College and university websites
  • Crimestoppers websites

On some platforms, there may be a nominal donation requirement for posting articles, but it's a worthwhile investment if you’re serious about establishing authority.

When posting your articles, include relevant keywords and up to 10 photos for better visibility. Properly label these images with your article keywords.


Step 2: Stay Updated on Local Crimes

Keep an eye on local crime reports by regularly visiting:

  • Local news sites
  • Police department bulletins
  • Neighborhood apps

You’re looking for incidents that provide an opportunity for you to offer self-defense tips or crime prevention advice. Choose crimes that align with your expertise, and that people in your community will care about.


Step 3: Write a “Self-Defense Analysis” Blog Post

After identifying a local crime, write a Self-Defense Analysis blog post. This should briefly describe the crime and offer practical tips to help readers avoid similar situations.

The key is to include the crime’s location address within your article, which helps boost your website’s relevance to local searches on Google. Over time, having multiple posts that mention local addresses can significantly improve your ranking.

Important: Keep the blog post short, insightful, and non-promotional. You’re positioning yourself as an expert, not selling your services.


Step 4: Email Your Subscriber List

Once your article is live, email your subscriber list with a link to the post. Encourage your audience to comment and share the article.


Step 5: Cross-Post to Local Networks

Now it’s time to share your article beyond your website. Go back to the local platforms you registered on (from Step 1) and either post the article directly or share a link back to your blog. This increases visibility and generates local traffic, which is important for your site’s SEO ranking.


Example Article: A Template to Follow

Here’s an example of how your blog post might look.

Title: One Person Shot Dead in Hillsborough Home Invasion
Source: - July 12, 2023

(Copied from the news article)
TAMPA – One person was killed in an armed home invasion at a mobile home park in Town 'N Country late Monday, deputies said.

Three people entered the home at 219 Baywater Drive, Tampa, and shot a man inside. He was taken to the hospital, where he died from his injuries. Crime Stoppers Tampa Bay is offering a $3,000 reward for any information leading to an arrest.


Self-Defense Expert Comments on the Crime

This tragic event highlights the difference between robberies and home invasions. Robberies usually happen during the day when homes are empty, while home invasions often occur at night when people are home. Intruders sometimes seek violence, making it even more critical to have a prevention plan in place.

7 Tips to Prevent and Defend Against a Home Invasion:

  1. Keep all entry points locked, including doors, windows, and garages.
  2. Practice with your firearm monthly if you own one.
  3. Never open your door to strangers or solicitors.
  4. Create an escape plan for your family in case of an invasion.
  5. Do not fight over material possessions; let the intruder take what they want. Property can be replaced, but lives cannot.
  6. Trim bushes and shrubs to ensure they do not block windows, reducing hiding places.
  7. Reinforce sliding glass doors with stronger locks, as they are easy to break into.

Home invasions are frightening but can be avoided with proper preparation. Prevention and family planning can significantly increase your chances of surviving such an incident.

John Graden
Owner and Chief Instructor at USA Self-Defense
(727) 644-3384 | Email: [email protected]