Teaching is both an art and a science, and academic professionals have long studied how to teach students effectively. Just as there are a multitude of teaching styles, there are also various learning styles—and every student is different.

The key to successfully teaching martial arts to your students lies in understanding their unique learning patterns and tailoring your instruction accordingly.

Start by Understanding Their Motivation

The first step in this process is to determine why each student is in your school in the first place. What motivates them to be there? Are they genuinely interested in learning martial arts, or are they attending to please someone else?

A student who is genuinely motivated to learn martial arts will be more willing to engage in the exercises, drills, and hard work required week after week. Understanding their motivation can significantly influence how you approach their training.

How to Identify Student Goals

Once you understand what a student’s goals are, you can better tailor your training to meet their needs. But how do you discover what brings a student to your studio?

Begin by sitting down with the student during registration. This initial conversation is crucial for establishing a connection and gaining insight into their reasons for studying martial arts.

You can also have them fill out a survey that asks specific questions about their goals and what they hope to achieve from your classes.

This information will guide you in creating a training plan that aligns with their objectives, increasing their engagement and commitment to your program.

By understanding and accommodating your students’ goals, you’ll be better equipped to help them succeed in their martial arts journey, leading to higher satisfaction and retention.