Drill Overviews:

  1. Dragon Crane:

    • Goal: Enhance balance and prepare for multiple kicks.
    • Activity: Dragons hold their leg up for five seconds, improving balance with support as needed.
  2. Dragon Walk:

    • Goal: Improve posture and walking techniques.
    • Activity: Dragons balance a square target on their heads, walking without dropping it to foster good posture.
  3. Dragon Rocks:

    • Goal: Enhance focus and balance over uneven paths.
    • Activity: Navigate a staggered row of square targets without stepping off, stimulating balance and precision.
  4. Dragon Stances:

    • Goal: Teach proper martial arts stances and transitions.
    • Activity: Dragons practice moving through various stances along a line, ensuring correct foot and body positioning.
  5. Dragon Kicks:

    • Goal: Develop balance and proficiency in kicking.
    • Activity: Perform multiple kicks towards a target without putting the foot down, focusing on maintaining balance and proper technique.

Instructor Tips:

  • Support: Provide physical support for Dragons struggling with balance.
  • Imagination: Utilize imaginative scenarios to make drills engaging.
  • Progress Monitoring: Adjust the difficulty of each drill based on the Dragon's rank and improvement, rewarding progress with visible recognition like a yellow stripe.

By integrating these drills into your Little Dragons curriculum, you enhance not only their martial arts skills but also their life skills, preparing them for more advanced levels and instilling a lifelong love for martial arts.