5 Memory Drills for Little Dragons Martial Arts Classes

One of the most valuable skills you can develop in your Dragons is memory. A good memory helps them retain techniques, make smart decisions, and impress their parents with their newfound abilities. Here are five effective drills to enhance memory in your Little Dragons martial arts classes.

Drill 1: Martial Arts Name Game

Goal: This drill helps Dragons focus on remembering things, emphasizing the importance of paying attention to retain more information.


  1. Sit all Dragons in a circle, from low rank to high rank.
  2. The first Dragon stands up and receives a new martial arts-related name, e.g., Mr. High Block.
  3. Each Dragon greets the first Dragon using their new name.
  4. Continue around the circle until every Dragon has a new name.
  5. Start back at the beginning, having each Dragon repeat the name of the Dragon next to them.
  6. The next Dragon repeats the names of the previous Dragons, adding one more each time until the entire circle is completed.

Instructor Tips: By the time you reach the highest rank, that Dragon will need to remember every new name, making it the most challenging. If a Dragon forgets a name, the Dragon with the forgotten name should demonstrate their named technique.

Drill 2: Memory Game

Goal: This drill helps Dragons remember their form through repetition.


  1. Line up all Dragons facing the mirror.
  2. The instructor stands in front of the Dragons, also facing the mirror.
  3. Demonstrate the first move in the form.
  4. Dragons then demonstrate that move.
  5. Add one more move each time, with Dragons demonstrating the sequence.
  6. Repeat until the form is complete, adjusting for different ranks and styles if necessary.

Instructor Tips: Have Dragons repeat the name of each technique as they demonstrate it. Use sound, visual aids, and participation to enhance learning. Exaggerate motions for clarity.

Drill 3: The Jungle Game

Goal: This fun drill helps Dragons develop memory through play and provides a good workout.


  1. Make a big circle with all Dragons and the instructor.
  2. Have Dragons jog in place, pretending they are running through a jungle.
  3. Explain that they must jump when they see a log and duck when they see a branch.
  4. Call out logs and branches, having Dragons respond accordingly.
  5. Add various animals, e.g., bear (pretend to sleep), lion (growl), cheetah (run fast in place).

Instructor Tips: Use lots of animation to keep Dragons engaged. The more enthusiasm the instructor shows, the more the Dragons will too.

Drill 4: Circle of Dragons

Goal: This drill helps Dragons focus on memorizing combinations of techniques.


  1. Make a big circle with Dragons from low to high rank.
  2. The instructor demonstrates a technique first.
  3. The Dragon to the immediate left demonstrates the same technique and adds another.
  4. Continue around the circle, each Dragon adding a technique until someone forgets one.
  5. Start over if a Dragon forgets, and continue from there.

Instructor Tips: Ensure techniques are appropriate for the Dragons' rank and style. Be lenient with specifics like which hand or foot they use.

Drill 5: Dragon Form

Goal: This drill helps Dragons retain required techniques for their rank and learn to perform in front of an audience.


  1. Form a circle with the Dragons.
  2. Review all techniques required for their rank and below.
  3. The best-behaved Dragon goes first, performing a creative Dragon form in the middle.
  4. Continue until every Dragon has had a chance to perform.
  5. Follow the Little Dragon format for the suggested performance time based on rank.

Instructor Tips: Encourage creativity and variety. Each Dragon should demonstrate each required technique at least once. Coach them if necessary to ensure they perform confidently.

Conclusion: Memory is crucial for martial arts students. These drills will help your Little Dragons retain techniques and make smarter decisions, ultimately becoming better students. Reward each Dragon with an orange stripe to show they have passed their memory requirement for that belt. At testing time, use one or more of these drills to demonstrate their skills in front of judges. Adjust techniques and standards based on their rank for optimal results.