5 Engaging Drills for Little Dragons Martial Arts Classes

Drill 1: Dragon Ball

Goal: Develop good aim using a visual target for martial arts techniques.


  1. Split the group into three lines with an instructor in front of each line.
  2. The Dragon must strike the ball back to the instructor using the chosen technique.
  3. Repeat until everyone has had at least three turns.

Instructor Tips: Ensure good eye contact and proper technique. Emphasize the importance of aim, execution, and technique.

Drill 2: Dragon in the Middle

Goal: Enhance reflexes by focusing on touch and sound.


  1. Gather all Dragons in a circle.
  2. Select one Dragon to be in the middle and blindfold them.
  3. Dragons on the outside take turns trying to tag the blindfolded Dragon.
  4. The blindfolded Dragon must react and tag the person who tagged them before they return to the circle.

Instructor Tips: Encourage quick reactions and focus on sensory inputs other than sight.

Drill 3: Dragon Dodge Ball

Goal: Improve awareness and reaction to moving objects.


  1. Place instructors or parents at each end of the room.
  2. Dragons stay in the middle, moving around like dragons.
  3. Instructors throw dodge balls at the Dragons.
  4. Tagged Dragons sit against the wall until the drill is over.

Instructor Tips: Focus on dodging skills and safe movement. Encourage jumping and ducking instead of running away.

Drill 4: Dragon Says

Goal: Improve listening skills.


  1. Line up all Dragons facing the instructor.
  2. Explain they must listen for the command “Dragon Says” before responding.
  3. Dragons who respond without the command or perform the wrong technique must sit out.

Instructor Tips: Use specific commands like “left punch” or “right kick” to challenge students and enhance their listening skills.

Drill 5: Dragon Target Practice

Goal: Develop power and follow through on techniques.


  1. Split Dragons into two lines at one end of the room.
  2. An instructor holds a small square target in front of each line.
  3. Dragons strike the pad as hard as they can to send it across the floor.
  4. An assistant measures the distance.

Instructor Tips: Ensure proper technique and follow-through. Emphasize the aim for better results.

Conclusion: These drills are designed to engage Little Dragons, helping them develop key martial arts skills while having fun. Consistent focus on the drills will help them improve their aim, reflexes, awareness, listening skills, and power. Rewarding students with stripes for their efforts will motivate them to continue learning and growing in their martial arts journey.