Martial Arts After-School Programs: The Hype, The Profits, The Pitfalls

Beware of those promoting the “easy profits” of after-school programs (ASPs). History shows that state laws and their enforcement can be far more formidable than any martial arts technique or the promises of a self-proclaimed expert.

The Profits
A well-executed after-school program can be a lucrative venture. With weekly tuition rates often exceeding monthly fees at many schools, an ASP can become a significant source of income.

Typically running between 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM, with weekends off, it offers the allure of substantial earnings for just a few hours of teaching daily. The temptation is real, but it’s essential to consider the full picture.

The Perils
Starting an ASP means entering a complex legal landscape. The Department of Children and Families (DCF) regulates after-school programs, imposing stringent licensing requirements and regulations.

Depending on your state, you might need to navigate the requirements to operate as a licensed daycare center, which involves extensive paperwork and fees. 

Failure to comply with these regulations can result in severe consequences, including the closure of your program.

State laws may also restrict what you can and cannot do, such as helping with homework, providing snacks, or even using terms like “care” or “supervision.”

Many program operators discover these restrictions only after significant investment, facing unexpected legal challenges and financial losses.

They Had No Idea
A common complaint from program operators is their lack of awareness about these legal complexities.

When confronted with unexpected issues, they often find themselves unprepared, facing potential refunds to families and other costly consequences.

The Lesson
Before diving into an ASP, ensure that compliance with DCF regulations is a central focus of any system you’re considering.

Failure to address these legal requirements could lead you into serious trouble.

For Further Insights
MATA has collaborated with Tim McCahan since early 2016 to develop a robust ASP system. Tim, who has been running a successful ASP since 1997, is a protégé of Jim King, a renowned figure in the field.

Check out our upcoming article for Tim’s expert answers to your questions about after-school programs.