One of the best ways to make sure that you actually reach your goals is to acquire the help of a "buddy." Your buddy should have a similar goal that they want to accomplish as well.

Together, you would monitor each other’s progress and follow up to make sure that your partner stays on track. For example, I once heard of two dieters who tried this plan. They watched each other’s eating habits very closely and also made a little bet. The first person to deviate from the rules of the diet had to eat a can of dog food.

So they left a can of Alpo out in plain sight as a constant reminder of their goal to lose weight. Needless to say, their idea worked.

Benefits of a Buddy System:

  1. Accountability:

    • When you know someone else is keeping track of your progress, you're more likely to stay committed.
    • Your buddy can offer encouragement and remind you of your goals when you feel like giving up.
  2. Motivation:

    • Friendly competition can be a great motivator. The bet to eat dog food added a humorous yet effective incentive for the dieters.
    • Seeing your buddy’s progress can inspire you to keep pushing toward your own goals.
  3. Support:

    • Having someone to share your struggles and successes with can make the journey more enjoyable.
    • Your buddy can offer advice and help brainstorm solutions when you encounter obstacles.

Steps to Implement a Buddy System:

  1. Choose the Right Buddy:

    • Find someone with a similar goal and commitment level.
    • Make sure your buddy is someone you trust and can communicate with openly.
  2. Set Clear Goals and Rules:

    • Define your goals clearly and decide on the rules for monitoring progress.
    • Agree on the frequency of check-ins and the methods of accountability.
  3. Create a Fun Incentive:

    • Add an element of fun or competition to keep things interesting. The dieters’ dog food bet is an example of a creative incentive.
    • Choose something that will motivate both of you without causing undue stress or discomfort.
  4. Regular Check-Ins:

    • Schedule regular check-ins to discuss progress, challenges, and strategies.
    • Use these meetings to support each other and adjust your plans as needed.

Using a buddy system can significantly enhance your ability to reach your goals. By combining accountability, motivation, and support, you create a powerful framework for success.