To optimize your martial arts school’s operations, it’s essential to break down each component of your program into clearly defined pieces. By doing this, you can identify what Level 10 performance looks like for each part and create targeted staff training sessions to help your team achieve that standard.

Step 1: Identify Key Areas of Operation

Start by identifying the different aspects of your school’s operation that can be broken down into specific training topics. Here’s a list of examples that could serve as the foundation for your staff training sessions:

  1. How the School Looks
    Ensure that your school’s appearance reflects professionalism and cleanliness. Define what a Level 10 appearance looks like and train your staff to maintain it consistently.

  2. The Greeting
    First impressions matter. Train your staff on how to greet students, parents, and visitors with enthusiasm and warmth to set the tone for a positive experience.

  3. The Beginning of Classes
    The start of each class should be seamless and engaging. Define the best practices for beginning classes on time, with energy, and in a way that captures students' attention.

  4. The Interaction with Parents and Family
    Effective communication with parents and families is crucial. Train your staff on how to interact with them in a professional, informative, and friendly manner.

  5. The Retail Sale
    Retail sales are an important revenue stream. Train your team on sales techniques, product knowledge, and how to provide excellent customer service during transactions.

  6. The Follow Up
    Following up with leads, new students, or after events is key to retention and growth. Define the follow-up process and train your staff to execute it flawlessly.

  7. The Team Effort in Teaching
    A coordinated teaching effort is essential for delivering high-quality instruction. Train your instructors on how to work together, share responsibilities, and ensure a consistent learning experience for all students.

Step 2: Define Level 10 Performance

For each of these areas, define what Level 10 performance looks like. Be specific about the standards and expectations, so your staff knows exactly what they’re aiming for.

Step 3: Design Staff Training Sessions

Once you’ve defined Level 10 performance for each area, design staff training sessions that focus on developing the necessary skills. Each session should include:

  • Clear Objectives: What specific skills or behaviors will the session focus on?
  • Practical Exercises: How will staff practice and refine these skills during the session?
  • Feedback Mechanisms: How will you provide feedback and measure progress?

Example Training Session: The Greeting

Objective: To train staff on delivering a consistent, welcoming greeting to every visitor.

Practical Exercise: Role-play different scenarios where staff members greet students, parents, and visitors. Focus on eye contact, tone of voice, and body language.

Feedback Mechanism: Provide immediate feedback during the role-play, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.

By systematically breaking down your school’s operations and creating targeted training sessions, you’ll empower your staff to deliver Level 10 performance across the board.