Body language can tell a lot about you. It’s usually a reflection of how you feel about yourself.

The way you stand, your arm positioning, whether or not you make eye contact, and your posture all weigh in. 

For example, looking at the ground when you walk is a sign of low confidence. However, if you walk tall with your eyes straight ahead, you’ll appear to be much more confident and proud.

Body language can also determine whether or not a person gets victimized.

If you appear confident and in control, chances are that an attacker will pass you by and look for a weaker person. 

So work on improving the signals your body is sending out. It will make a big difference in the “external you.”

By improving your body language, you send positive signals that reflect self-confidence and control. This not only enhances your self-image but also affects how others perceive and interact with you, making a significant difference in your personal and professional life.