When it comes to training your martial arts staff, there are several critical mistakes to avoid to ensure your training program is effective and fosters a positive learning environment. Here’s a comprehensive list of things you should avoid:

  1. Do Not Criticize the Person, Critique the Performance

    • Focus on behaviors and actions, not the individual's character or personality.
  2. Do Not Criticize More Than You Praise

    • Balance critiques with praise to keep morale high and encourage improvement.
  3. Do Not Get Angry

    • Maintain composure and approach mistakes with a calm, constructive attitude.
  4. Do Not Use Profanity

    • Keep communication professional and respectful at all times.
  5. Do Not Let Your Critiques Outnumber Your Positive, Directing Comments

    • Ensure positive feedback is frequent to reinforce good practices and behaviors.
  6. Do Not Ramble

    • Be clear and concise in your communication to avoid confusion and keep attention focused.
  7. Do Not Forget to Have a Sense of Humor

    • Lighten the mood with appropriate humor to create a relaxed and engaging training environment.
  8. Do Not Make Your Staff Afraid to Make Mistakes

    • Encourage a learning atmosphere where mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth.
  9. Do Not Allow Your Staff to Operate in a Praise Vacuum

    • Regularly acknowledge and celebrate achievements and improvements.
  10. Do Not Go into a Meeting Without a Clearly Defined Desired Outcome and a Plan for Achieving It

    • Have a structured agenda and clear goals for each meeting to maximize effectiveness.
  11. Do Not Forget Your Staff Needs Attention and Praise as Much as They Need Instruction

    • Provide balanced feedback that includes both guidance and recognition.
  12. Do Not Fail to Encourage Your People to Take Action, Massive Action, When It Comes to Servicing Customers

    • Motivate your staff to be proactive and enthusiastic in their customer service efforts.
  13. Do Not Let a Week Go By Without Having a Wrap-up Meeting to Discuss the Positive Progress to Date

    • Regular check-ins are crucial for tracking progress and addressing any issues promptly.
  14. Do Not Forget to Clearly Define the Outcome You Desire in Every Meeting

    • Make sure everyone understands the objectives and what success looks like.
  15. Do Not Forget That Staff Training Is as Important (or More Important) as Any Other Job Duty You Have

    • Prioritize training as it directly impacts the performance and satisfaction of your staff.
  16. Do Not Forget to Make It Fun!

    • Incorporate fun elements into training to keep staff engaged and motivated.