Money is always a nice incentive. For some folks, however, money isn’t the main reason that they teach martial arts. Therefore, while they enjoy the extra monetary bonuses, they are often motivated more by intangibles that cost you little or nothing.

Comp Time

Martial arts professionals are known for working long hours. Occasionally, the best reward a staff member can receive is some time off – or comp time. No matter how much you love your work, everyone appreciates the feeling of leaving work knowing they don’t have to return for three or four days.

Using Time Off as a Motivator

Using time off as a motivator is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. You simply set a goal for your instructors to meet. The goal could be reaching a specific number of sign-ups or attaining a specified income level by a certain time.

Once they meet that goal within the specified time, they’ll receive an extended weekend. This works particularly well around a holiday weekend.

Another incentive is to offer a week of paid vacation once a particular goal has been met. To sweeten the deal, you can book a cruise or a weekend for the lucky instructor at an exclusive resort.

Accommodating Time Off Requests

Occasionally, there may be a special event or get-together that an instructor would like to attend. A great way to motivate your instructors to give their best when they’re at work is to make every effort to accommodate their time-off requests – provided they give you a reasonable amount of advance notice.

Let Your Instructors Choose Their Own Schedule

As a way to reward excellent performance from an instructor, you can let them select the classes they prefer to teach. This flexibility can be a powerful motivator, showing them that you value their preferences and trust their judgment.


Motivating your staff goes beyond monetary rewards. Comp time, using time off as a motivator, accommodating time-off requests, and allowing instructors to choose their schedules are effective strategies that cost little but offer significant value.

These methods not only boost morale but also foster a positive and productive work environment.