Performing a Solo Martial Arts Demo to Attract Students

Performing a demo by yourself is never easy, but there are a few strategies you can employ to pull off a good show and gain some students. Remember, the goal is first to get new students and second to build your name.

Opening with a Bang

Start your demo with a dramatic board break, such as a suspended break where you hold the board with one hand and punch or chop it with the other. Announce that you'll attempt to set a new board-breaking record at the end of the demo and will need their help.

Introduction and Engaging Content

Introduce yourself and explain that the secret to your break was speed and focus, which are part of what you teach along with self-defense. Bring up a relevant and relatable story, such as the abduction of Carlie in Sarasota, to illustrate the importance of self-defense. Use this story to segue into a practical demonstration.

Self-Defense Demonstration

Demonstrate simple self-defense techniques, such as wrist escapes and groin kicks, emphasizing the importance of recognizing danger, maintaining distance, and using quick, effective responses. If possible, involve a volunteer, like a PE teacher, to help demonstrate.

Interactive Teaching Segment

Invite the audience to participate in learning these self-defense techniques. Encourage them to bring their parents to a free class that night or the next night. Stress the importance of parents seeing the class firsthand.

Create Excitement with a Finale

End with a high-energy board-breaking challenge. Tell the audience they will help you set a new school record by counting the number of boards you break in 30 seconds. Build anticipation and excitement, and ensure the crowd is engaged and vocal.

Call to Action

After the demo, remind the audience to drop their names and numbers in a box to reserve a spot for the free class. Encourage them to tell their parents about the importance of learning these skills and the opportunity to attend the class that evening.


  • Open with a dramatic board break to grab attention.
  • Introduce yourself and tell a relatable story to highlight the importance of self-defense.
  • Demonstrate and teach simple techniques with audience participation.
  • Create excitement with a high-energy board-breaking finale.
  • Call to action: Encourage attendees to sign up for a free class.

By following these steps, you can effectively engage your audience, demonstrate the value of martial arts training, and attract new students to your school.