Intro lessons are, of course, valuable in convincing customers to try out the martial arts.   However, they can be time-consuming.  

Therefore, you might consider eliminating the traditional two or three 30-minute class samplers and incorporating your intro into your enrollment process.   For instance, you can offer a prospective student a 20-minute introduction to the martial arts followed by a five minutes sales presentation. Schedule the second intro only if the student doesn’t enroll after the first.

Create an enrollment program that is fun and easy, and consider holding class intros just one day a week – a Saturday, for example.   You’ll find that you’re able to devote your energy and enthusiasm to gaining new students.

In the interest of providing the best service to your students and bringing in a nice profit on your studio, you need to maximize your resources.   Which means not hiring a new employee until cash flow has increased enough to justify the expense.