Setting up booths at local events can be a highly effective way to attract new students to your martial arts school. Over the past 12 months, we've signed up 77 new students through booths. Here’s how you can replicate this success:

Planning and Organization

  • Start Early: Begin organizing your booth efforts at the start of the year. Contact local cities, Jaycees, chambers of commerce, and county and state governments to find out about upcoming events and their requirements.
  • Secure Your Spot: Many large events require a deposit to reserve booth space months in advance. The longer the advance notice required, the bigger the event likely is.
  • Booth Costs: Fees for booth spaces vary but generally range from $100 to $350 for a 10x10 foot space. Consider exchanging a demonstration for a booth to save on costs.

Booth Setup and Activities

  • Prime Location: Try to secure an end booth or one next to an alcove for extra space. Ensure your booth has electricity if needed.
  • Attractive Setup: Use red, white, and blue decorations, a school banner, and pegboard for displaying information and a TV monitor showing your school’s activities.
  • Essential Items: Bring registration forms, schedules, business cards, brochures, flyers, and information about upcoming events. Also, have plenty of pens, scissors, tape, string, markers, and cash for food.

Engaging Activities

  • Lead Boxes: Use lead boxes with entry forms for a chance to win a free Black Belt program.
  • Interactive Games: Set up a Gage Target for "Hit the Target and Win a Prize" and award small prizes for participation.
  • Free Class Offers: Offer a free month of classes and a discounted uniform to interested prospects.

Staffing and Execution

  • Trained Staff: Have at least one staff member present at all times. Use volunteers, offering incentives like free entry to the event and a school T-shirt.
  • Follow-Up: Collect leads and follow up with potential students. Schedule intro classes and provide special offers to encourage sign-ups.

Example of Success

  • DuPage County Fair: We paid $400 for a booth at this fair, which draws over 180,000 attendees. This resulted in 105 intros, 76 first intro lessons, and 37 extensions, totaling $55,500 in contract value.


Setting up booths at local events is a proactive strategy to attract new students and boost your martial arts school’s enrollment. By planning early, creating an engaging booth setup, and following up with leads, you can achieve significant results.

Implementation Tips

  1. Start planning early in the year.
  2. Secure booth spaces in prime locations.
  3. Create an engaging and attractive booth setup.
  4. Offer interactive games and prizes to draw attention.
  5. Follow up with leads promptly to convert interest into enrollments.

By incorporating these strategies, your martial arts school can leverage local events to significantly increase student enrollment and overall revenue.