One day, you asked your martial arts instructor a question, and your instructor said they were in the middle of something and would get back to you. Your instructor never did get back to you, so you felt your instructor thought you were just a pest and your question was silly.

The next day, you thought about asking the question again but felt your instructor would think you were just being obnoxious and you’d only make a fool of yourself. So you withdrew and felt uneasy with your instructor.

A few days later, your instructor came to you and said, “Gee, I’m so sorry. With the expansion of the school on my mind, I completely forgot to get back with you.”

With the Black Belt Attitude, you would never have let negative thoughts about your instructor enter your mind.

You would not cause yourself to be depressed and stressed out over what you perceived to be a rejection when you tried to “read the cards for another” and ended up being 100% wrong.