Optimizing Enrollment Performance: Key Stats and Best Practices

Understanding Enrollment Stats

To keep your martial arts school running smoothly and growing effectively, it’s crucial to track and analyze several key performance metrics. This not only helps you gauge the success of your marketing efforts but also highlights areas where improvements are needed.

Essential Admission Statistics

  1. New Leads: Track the number of new leads your school receives daily. This metric helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your advertising and marketing strategies. 

  2. Lead Source: Where are these leads coming from? This will help you to invest marketing efforts and $$ into sources that create new students.
    • Email
    • Website
    • Social media
    • Walk by
    • Referral
    • Paid ads
    • Other...
  3. Daily Inquiries: Add up contacts to get the total number of inquiries for the day. 
  4. Appointments Made: Track the number of appointments set each day. At the end of the week, compare the total number of inquiries to the number of appointments made. Divide the number of appointments by the total inquiries to find your efficiency rate. For instance, if you had 12 inquiries and made 10 appointments, your efficiency rate is 83% (10/12).

    Goal: Aim for an 80% efficiency rate.

  5. Trial Lessons Performed: Determine how many trial lessons are completed from the total number of appointments. If 6 out of 8 students who showed up took a trial lesson, your trial lesson rate is 75% (6/8).

    Goal: Strive for an 80% trial lesson rate.

  6. New Students Enrolled: Measure how many new students enroll after a trial lesson. For instance, if you had 12 trial lessons and 9 students signed up, your closing percentage is 75% (9/12).

    Goal: Set a closing percentage goal of 80%.

Additional Enrollment Metrics

  1. Student/Parent Conferences: Track the number of conferences held with students and parents. This helps in upgrading students to higher programs or memberships.

  2. Upgrade Rate: Calculate the percentage of students upgraded from the total number of conferences. For example, if you had 20 conferences and 16 students were upgraded, your upgrade rate is 80%.

    Goal: An upgrade rate of 80% is ideal.

Key Takeaways

  • Document Daily: Accurate daily documentation of these metrics is crucial. If you notice any anomalies, such as an unexpected drop in appointments, address the issue immediately.

  • Monitor Trends: Regularly review your numbers to identify trends and areas needing improvement. This helps in making timely adjustments to your strategies.

  • Use Data Wisely: Analyze the data to understand your school's performance and to make informed decisions about marketing and staff training.