1. Direct Mail promoting your summer special (minimum-5, 000).


2. Hand delivered flyers door to door promoting same special. 

3. Demonstrations at Summer Festivals and Fairs.

4. Contests in the school. Prize for the student who brings in the most friends who join the summer special. Have first, second and third prizes.

5. Promote your own Summer Health and Fitness Expo in your school. Bring in local health and beauty businesses to set up booths in your school. You supply the entertainment with Empower Boxing™ demonstrations.

Project Action Fund Raiser – A Kick-a-thon or a spar-a-thon where the Empower Boxing™ students, along with your Martial Arts kids, execute kicks to raise money for charity. This can bring you free advertising and generate a lot of excitement in your school. 

6. Couples Night. Students bring in their spouse or significant other to take class with them. Make it into a party with refreshments and a special price if they enroll that evening. 

7. Work Out Partners -Go to local businesses that have a large female clientele or employees. Pass out free classes to the employees and cut a deal with tbe business that allows you to put up a poster or lead box promoting your program in exchange for your doing the same at your school.

   The most important thing, during the summertime, is to not accept the fact that it is going to be slow because it has always been slow. I believe this is primary reason why many schools experience a drop off during the summertime. Instead of accepting it as a slow time, look at the summertime as a call to action. If we can bring in an extra 100 students into our Empower Boxing™ Program, just think where we will be when everybody comes back from vacation.