Pre-Exam Preparation

  • Intent to Promote Forms: Ensure that parents submit these forms to confirm their child's eligibility and readiness for the exam.
  • Uniform and Equipment Preparedness: Students must arrive with clean, properly worn uniforms and their gym bags, containing all necessary personal items and equipment required for the exam.

Exam Components

  • Pad Power and Air Force: Focus on bag work, mitts, and paddles. Students should demonstrate their ability to strike these targets with precision and power.
  • Padded Weapons: Although optional, including padded weapons can add an extra dimension to the test. However, for simplicity and focus, they can be omitted if the bag work and jump kicks sufficiently challenge the students.
  • Teamwork in Practice: Students must demonstrate efficient and dynamic line drills, showing proficiency in holding and striking pads. They should perform required jump kicks synchronously, with minimal guidance from instructors.
  • Public Speaking: Highlight the curriculum's public speaking component by having students recite the student creed or another speech, emphasizing confidence and clarity.

Exam Schedule

  • 2 Minutes: Line up and bow in, setting a respectful and disciplined tone.
  • 10 Minutes: Perform strikes on bags, mitts, and paddles, working in teams to foster cooperation and precision.
  • 7 Minutes: Execute jump kicks, demonstrating agility and technique.
  • 5 Minutes: Conduct public speaking, allowing students to showcase their verbal skills and understanding of martial arts principles.
  • 2 Minutes: Conclude with a wrap-up, offering feedback and encouragement.


This streamlined belt exam format not only tests physical prowess but also teamwork, public speaking, and the mental discipline crucial to martial arts. It's designed to be rigorous yet achievable, ensuring students demonstrate their comprehensive training and readiness for the next level.