You've set goals for your martial arts studio, and now it's time to get your staff involved. Whether you're starting with a new team or integrating changes with an existing one, the key is to introduce your plans at an appropriate time and foster a collaborative environment.

1. Choosing the Right Time for Change: Introducing new plans or changes can be met with resistance, especially if it means more work. To mitigate this, choose a time when people are generally more open to change, such as the beginning of a new year, or at the start of a new season. Think in terms of school semesters – times for fresh starts and new beginnings.

2. Holding Regular Staff Meetings: Regular staff meetings are crucial for promoting teamwork. Weekly meetings allow your team to discuss accomplishments and plans, fostering a sense of shared purpose and collaboration.

3. Involving Staff in Goal Setting: Solicit ideas from your staff on how to achieve the goals you've set. This approach serves two purposes:

  • Ownership and Fresh Perspectives: Your staff will feel a sense of ownership over the goals, and you'll benefit from their fresh perspectives on achieving them.
  • Increased Motivation: Staff members are more likely to work hard to achieve goals they feel they've helped create.

4. Assigning Responsibilities: Delegate tasks to specific staff members to promote engagement and reduce your workload. For example, if improving customer service is a goal, ask which staff member would like to be responsible for sending out get-well or birthday cards, or developing a bi-monthly newsletter.

5. Pulling Instead of Pushing: Involve your staff in fulfilling your goals rather than simply dictating new rules and regulations. This approach fosters better results and a more cohesive team.