Boosting T-Shirt Sales in Your Martial Arts School

Expand Your Line and Design Choices

Most schools have one or two t-shirt designs. Once a student has bought both, there's no incentive to buy more. By offering a wider range of designs, you can keep sales consistent. Build your look around your logo, ensuring it remains consistent across all designs. Introduce special t-shirts for events like black belt graduations.

Use Summer Rules to Sell More Shirts

During summer, allow students to wear gi pants, belts, and logo t-shirts instead of full uniforms. Promote this change through newsletters, letters, notices, and class announcements to stimulate t-shirt sales.

Team Spirit for Demo and Competition Teams

Encourage demo and competition team members to wear specific shirts to events. This shows team spirit and can also include parents in the excitement.

Seasonal Sales and New Designs

Like department stores, have sales to clear out old designs and make room for new ones. Introduce at least one new design annually to keep offerings fresh and exciting.

Window Displays

Display t-shirts in your school’s window to attract passersby, potentially drawing in new students who come in to purchase a shirt they like.

Promotional Use of T-Shirts

Use t-shirts as incentives to boost sales of other items like videos or heavy bags. Offer a free t-shirt with larger purchases.

Staff Team Colors

Have your staff wear different t-shirt designs on different days to promote the range of products. This professional appearance can boost sales and team spirit.

Shirt of the Month Club

Consider a t-shirt of the month club where students get a new design each month or quarter. This keeps excitement high and sales steady.

Black Belt Club Exclusive Designs

Create exclusive designs for Black Belt Club members to enhance the status and desirability of the club.

Marketing Expense with Double Payoff

Consider t-shirts as a marketing expense that pays twice: once when sold and again when they attract new students through increased visibility.

By implementing these strategies, you can significantly boost your t-shirt sales and enhance your school's visibility and profitability.